Following Thursday's chaotic demonstration, protestors once again took to Portland's streets Friday night—marching across downtown, onto several bridges, and into Saturday's early morning hours.
The protests began peacefully, but led to police using flashbang grenades and pepper spray to disperse participants, and one man being wounded in a shooting on the Morrison Bridge.
Alright y'all. This evenings #notmypresident rally is supposed to be peaceful and stationary. Let's see, shall we?
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Greg McKelvey, a lead organizer, is telling crowd to channel Trump hate into something positive.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"Trump being president is not an excuse for a hate crime," Micah Rhodes is telling crowd, noting recent incidents.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"Portland was not on the radar until last night. Now we're here" anarchist telling crowd defending vandalism. People disagreeing.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016

Now we're breaking up into groups by quadrant! So likeminded neighbors can vibe.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Lots of enthusiasm for the idea of not speaking Trump's name, Voldemort-style.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"What's up with a march?!" a kid yells. Not everyone is pleased with community building.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Police surveillance plane, circling and circling.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Welp. People were speaking quietly and the cops showed up to give "assistance," and dictate a route. People are mad.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
They aren't gonna give this crowd an inch tonight, clearly.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"Fuck the police" is sudden consensus. And now cops are confronting people. No idea what set them off.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
This is very odd. More riot cops moving in. No one was doing anything that I saw. Wall keeping me away.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Just a lot of screaming at each other. Should note this is a smaller crowd than previous nights.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Now the chant goes "let us march!" Yeah, guys. They said you should.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
This crowd does NOT want to go North on 4th. That's the route police say is "authorized."
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Best way to amp up a crowd: Just put a lot of riot cops by them while they're peaceably speaking.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
As in all moments such as this, I hope my bike is okay.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Got my bike! Then rode it to find this group of split off marchers. It's entirely peaceful, but on max tracks
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"Just letting you know, police will fuck you up. And they are behind you."
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
A group of hundreds has hit the South Park Blocks.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Have lost count of how many groups there are at this point.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Talked to a chill-ass houseless dude, Jimmy, who was chilling on the park bench when protest came through. 1/2
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"It's not gonna change a damn thing. The mans already got the electoral votes," says Jimmy.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Oh damn. Two groups just met up. Now this is a biggie. Cars in good spirits, for now.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Aaaaand we're back at City Hall.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
We're in almost the exact standoff we started with. Some are drifting away. Most are not.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Police are talking about vandalism and assault. Haven't seen it, but a big group.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Some folks are getting ready for potential arrest. This is fairly laid back right now though.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Now some jerk threw a bottle at cops apparently? Lots of people immediately fled their direction. Haven't confirmed why.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Just watched this little dude put his shirt in a bottle, chuck it, and run. Cops using flashbangs.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
This little dude tried to roll up with a bottle and protesters chased him off immediately.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
"That's not what we do!" One protester yelled. Told me: "I've been watching these little fucks."
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016

Now cops verbally threatening impact weapons for first time.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Cops are getting freer with the flashes. Seen only one person pepper sprayed.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Police slowly backing people down the road. People disperse pretty quick when the explosions go off.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Ah, jeez. Reinforcements.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Vaporized pepper spray deployed at city hall. Others headed to Burnside Bridge.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Meanwhile, by Burnside Bridge, this guy is NOT popular with marchers.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Got to the halfway point of the Burnside Bridge. Turned around.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Big group I'm with is back in the thick of it. Boom
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Scandals is feeling it.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Folks On the scaffolding. All sorts of people pepper sprayed. Intensity.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
We've been mired at SW 6th and Stark for 20 mins or so. Chanting. Orders to disperse. New Portland status quo.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
People flee w every flashbang, but have enormous smiles on their faces.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
Police investigating shooting on Morrison Bridge. One person down. Everyone needs to leave the area immediately!
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) November 12, 2016
So apparently an irate motorist shot a man on the Morrison Bridge. Mad about being blocked.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016
One protester is legit irate that people went home... After a shooting.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) November 12, 2016

For more, see @dirquez and the Mercury's continuing coverage.