News Aug 2, 2017 at 4:00 am

Proposed Police Oversight Changes Are Hugely Important. So Wake Up!


Just a question- Don't we... already have.... a police oversight section at City Hall? Namely-the CRC and the IPR? Overseen by the City Auditor? Correct me if I'm wrong but... shouldn't they... have a say, or be part of the discussion on this new....acronym-fest? I mean, they have been doing police oversight for a very long time, they have lawyers and people to deal with police/community relations, and have a lot of experience with it.

Whereas, this new board doesn't seem to have a lot of direction-and what does the Mayor know about police oversight? He's an elected official-he's not a bad person, but... he has a lot on his plate already without this too. IS he really the right person for the job?

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