
Remember when The Mercury wrote this about the unsanctioned "Village of Hope" outdoor camp that was 11 miles from downtown's essential services: "Groves of cottonwoods along the Columbia River Slough," "The area contain's the slough's meandering waters, deer, coyotes, river otter and 175 bird species," "city-owned land in a far-flung woodsy corner of deep Northeast Portland."

Boy, what an idyllic scene The Mercury painted for an outdoor camp that was 11 miles from downtown!

Wapato is also 11 miles from downtown, just in case anyone was wondering.

Upvote for Douglas.

Sprawling garbage camp? Righteous! Shelter with actual beds, kitchens, showers, toilets, and services? Might as well be the gulag, according to homeless "advocates"! What a joke.

Any shelter is voluntary. So we'll see whether the actually homeless people prefer to make use of it versus taking their chances on the street. Because the other option is non-existent shelter space that "advocates" are always preening about but no plan, no funding, and no momentum towards making it a reality any time within the next 5-10 years.

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