

^^^ all of those things sound fantastic, to people that ACTUALLY work and ACTUALLY pay their taxes and ACTUALLY care about their community. Listen jimfox, if you hate all of those things so much, please by all means, vote republican. In fact, you guys should all get together and form your own Christian extremist identity Utopia where nobody has any rights and everyone is fiercely patriotic by demand not choice. A place where your hyper capatalist love of "free market" creates vast monopolies and the wealth divide is astronomical and zero to little money goes into public infrastructure. A place where the church and state work together hand and hand to keep the "filth" in check!! Oh wait, that's Russia. That's okay though, you're godemperor Trump is doing everything he can to make America JUST like his hero Putin's despondent oligarchy. Yeah, you should try Russia out. it's got everything you want.


"Terrorists" voting? What kind of hillbilly bathtub meth do you fucking smoke before you read 4chan and Brietbart? People like jimfox live in a completely different reality than everyone else.


overall, things seemed to have gone pretty alright.
i'm not a big fan of PPB, but they seemed to have done a good job. no big shows of force, mass arrests or excessive use of weapons.
could have been a lot worse on all fronts. progress?


Kudos to the PPB for managing this one without any major incidents.

Some legit questions about how many of these the Proud Boys should get when it costs the city millions of dollars. Iā€™m all for free speech and right of assembly but this is getting a little ridiculous. Whatever message they are trying to send has been heard by now.


@1, 2 -- Wanna know what United States Senator Bernie Sanders (VT, I) has to say?

Here's (briefly) Bernie Sanders' views on:

Wall Street Taxes -- Create taxes on financial trades
Capital Punishment / Death Penalty -- Abolish it
Cocaine Sentencing Disparities -- Scrap the disparity
Private Prisons -- Eliminate them
Election Security -- Mandate paper ballots
Big Banks -- Bring back Glass-Steagall
Income Inequality -- Raise taxes on the wealthy, create new social programs
Minimum Wage -- Raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour
Paid Leave -- Support broad paid family and medical leave plans
Cost of College -- College should be free
Student Debt -- Cancel all student debt
Campaign Finance -- Unlimited spending should not be allowed in politics
Climate Change -- Support the Green New Deal
Assault Weapons -- Support a voluntary buyback program
Background Checks -- In favor of universal background checks
ACA / Coverage Expansion -- All in on Medicare for All
Drug Costs -- Support negotiating for Medicare, international reference pricing and promoting generics
Legalizing Marijuana -- Legalize it
Overseas Deployments -- Bring the troops home
Corporate Income Taxes -- Eliminate tax breaks for "offshoring."

But, don't take my word for it:


So, past criticism of PPB is that they haven't stopped these dueling protest from becoming violent. Chief Outlaw and team devise a plan that this paper attributes (in a still active article) to keeping them apart and minimize violence. Now the Merc mentioned unnamed sources who feel this plan favored the righties because they got to cross a closed bridge the lefties didn't get to cross. Good grief. Alex, it's fine that you hate cops -- you write for the Portland Mercury -- but you're bending yourself unnaturally to do so here. Isn't it possible the bridge closure included the plan to let one side cross to avoid the other? How do the lefties maintain the moral high ground if they want to pursue the side that just wants to leave? Who is the aggressor in this situation?

I think the brilliantly timed indictments of Joey and crew has as much to do with the success of the day as the bridge closure did, but all in all just give credit where it's due. I'm sure PPB will fuck up next week allowing you to step back on your soap box and raise your middle finger to the man.


From my Favorite "alternative"* news source, Democracy Now!:

"Portland Rejects Proud Boys & Other Ultra-Right Groups
As Trump Tries to Criminalize Antifa"

"A crowd of white nationalists took to the streets of Portland, Oregon, over the weekend for what they dubbed the ā€œEnd Domestic Terrorismā€ rally. But they were outnumbered by a massive response from counterprotesters... "

Joann Hardesty, in the interview, agrees police (PPB) did the right thing in using a tactical manuever to rid Portland of the vastly outnumbered far far FAR right 'freedom fighters' -- Terrorists, according to any but the donald j trump's definition -- and the Prouder's -- which is those fighting against terrorism are the real terrorists. My oh my, how Orwellian. Even Hitler and Goebbels'd be quite proud.

The illegitimate prez 'the donald,' wrong before, wrong now, and Always gonna be Wrong.


*Non-Corporate -- they get Zero funding from Raytheon, Boeing, Big Pharma, Big Oil nor from Kochs "Klean" Koal, to name but a few.


Letting the Proud Boys onto the bridge as a tactical maneuver was fine. The mistake was not kettling them once they all got onto the bridge and just keeping them there for 5 or 6 hours while going through the entire group and recording their IDs, as PPB would have done to a leftist demonstration in a similar position.

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