

Troutdale had recently awarded Amazon—which in 2018 was estimated to be worth $1 trillion—a five-year tax-break worth $9.6 million.

Why is anyone giving Amazon tax breaks? They are a shitty company that treats their employees like shit and whose CEO has more money than he will ever spend in his entire fucking lifetime. Stop giving Amazon tax breaks. Stop allowing Amazon to treat people like shit.



Come down to the Fullfillment Center and get Hurt. An interesting business model -- treat people as if they're machines and when they break (because they aren't), throw them away. Not YOUR Problem, Bezos, that's fur sure! Not to worry -- let US figure it out -- you're BUSY, making your many many many many MANY Billions. Let we, the people help out with your Overburdensome Labor costs.

If one profiteers enormously, sociopathically,
breaking Citizens' / Human Beings' bodies down
we're doing business WAAAAAY the Fuck Wrong.

A 'business model' for the Past.


The comment from Amazon that they do not monitor employee bathroom breaks is a complete lie. My son worked at the Troutdale location for a year, and was let go on his birthday for too much time off task from two weeks prior when he went to work with a stomach bug. His work station was 7 minutes from the bathroom, one way, so their 15 minute breaks gave him 1 minute to use the bathroom. He was called in to the HR office and informed that according to their tracking, he had too much time off task (TOT) for that day and was let go. He was a very good producer, and even went 6 months straight without an error (they gave him five "sasquatch" awards for it). Yet when he was sick and needed to use the restroom more than usual, they just fired him. It is a heartless company, driven by incompetent individuals.


Bradleygou: Call the Oregon State Bar and request a referral to an employment law attorney or speak to the Oregon Department of Labor about filing a claim for discriminating against someone for a minor health reason. Your son should have been accomodated.
I wish for a big walkout right before Xmas.


@Reverend Bite Me -- Bezos's prolly salivating over a Holy Christmas Miracle Walkout @ -- he'd recover quick, fire every striker -- block them from ever working again, if he could (he's literally Thee Best Capitalist)! -- and let them have their little xmas miracle, out on the street.

Mind the needles!


@4 Amazon hires all warehouse employees through a third party. Anyone filing a wrongful termination suit will find themselves with no recourse against Amazon. And remember, Amazon managers will come find you in 3 seconds if you fail to meet a fulfillment metric, but they left a dead worker on the floor for nearly 30 minutes once (was he not on the clock? how does that happen)?

It is Amazon lore that no one has ever won a wrongful termination lawsuit against them. Ever. Is it true? I don't know. What I do know is this: in their offices (not the warehouse) they very methodically PIP people they want to fire (performance improvement plan) giving unachievable goals to be completed in an impossible time frame and then fire you when they tell you you have failed. And at your firing you are asked to sign papers stating you won't sue and if you sign them, you get yourself a month's salary as a thank you.

A manager I knew was fired (she was older and had a chronic illness and had worked at Amazon for 8 years). She sued for wrongful termination and she lost. She also lost a lot of time and money suing Amazon. Amazon counts on you dying before you can win any suit you may bring against them. They've even had family members sue them when their loved ones who worked for Amazon died after being fired for being sick.

Just like Trump, Amazon believes it is above the law and to date they've not been held accountable to the law in the United States.


Sorry but is anyone forcing these folks to work for Amazon? I didn't realize this was forced labor, that's unfortunate.

Everyone seems to be a little upset with how profitable and successful Amazon and Mr. Bezos are. That's odd because people line up to work for them, then they complain and whine. If you don't like it, maybe go find employment elsewhere?


@7 Why is it too much to ask that an employer treat their employees well? Why is it too much to ask that Amazon and the second wealthiest human being on earth pay their fair share in taxes? How does it make sense to physically harm the people who work for you, fire them for going to the bathroom, or that they pay more in taxes than you, their employer does? I really don't understand the logic used in these arguments. Over 60% of the jobs in this country are service industry related. No one wants these jobs to have living wages or for the employees to be protected from harm (and its not just Amazon, think meat packing, poultry processing, "the sharing economy," and so many others). IF we are supposedly the greatest country in the world, why are workers' rights too big of an ask, especially from one of the largest employers in this country? I mean, seriously, please explain it to me.


These crickets are making me Thirsty.

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