GOOD MORNING, SUNDAY! It's the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If you despise being "the last to know," then be one of the first to know by signing up for Mercury newsletters! All the latest stories shipped directly to your email's in-box... and then... YOUR HEAD.)
• What the Supreme Court’s Ruling Against Homelessness Means for Portland and Oregon
Portland must still abide by state law—policy which some experts say should be adopted by the entire nation.

Saddle up, brain! It's time to play Portland's fave trivia game! This week: baseball firsts, Oregon "PANIC!" history, and the ugliest (most adorable) dog evarrrrrr! 🐶 See how well YOU score!

• Portland Will Rev Up Parking, Vehicle Registration Enforcement
After years of leniency, PBOT plans to tighten the ship when it comes to parking and car registration enforcement. Officers will focus on citations for wrong-way parking, outdated tags, and more, hoping to boost public safety and increase revenue.

• Candidate for Mayor Carmen Rubio Snaps Up Endorsement From Gov. Tina Kotek
Gov. Tina Kotek is endorsing City Commissioner Carmen Rubio in the Portland mayor's race. The support is a campaign highlight for Rubio, who's been outraised and outspent by her biggest challenger. Kotek says Rubio has "a track record of getting results."

• Hundreds of Women Rally on Burnside Bridge For Reproductive Rights
On the two-year anniversary of Roe V. Wade being overturned by the US Supreme Court, more than 200 women (and a few good men) rallied along the Burnside Bridge during a women's strike for gender equality and reproductive rights.

In hot, trashy gossip this week: Tom Cruise in the "chill zone," J.LO orders for everyone at the table, and Justin Timberlake ruins everything (for himself)!

• The Cowboys Are Back in Town
As Black cowboys descended upon Portland for the 8 Seconds Juneteenth Rodeo, photojournalist Sean Bascom followed them around town documenting the parties, open bar tabs, and how the city welcomed them with open arms.

• A Portland Drag Clown in Residence at the Venice Biennale
The Venice Biennale is one of the most prestigious art exhibitions in the world. So we were pleased as punch to see Portland drag clown Carla Rossi climbing Jeffery Gibson's installation at the US pavilion.

• Home Forward and City of Portland Unveil 206 New Affordable Apartments in Southeast Portland
At the site of a former strip club, 206 affordable apartments now tower over Powell Boulevard. The Hazel Ying Lee building, named after a WWII pilot from Portland, marks the largest new construction project to be built with Portland Housing Bond funds.

The Q Center opened its doors at a time when there were very few LGBTQ+ spaces in Portland. This year the organization celebrates 20 years and looks ahead to some big changes.

Anderson .Paak will make a stop in Bend, André 3000 will be live in concert this fall, and rapper Sexyy Red will try to get Portland on board with her “Sexyy Red 4 President” campaign. Get those tix and more with help from TICKET ALERT!

She's got an international part-time lover... but wants more. Should she ask for it? Dan Savage issues a ruling in this week's edition of SAVAGE LOVE!

• Prepare Your Tummy for the Delicious Fun of the Mercury's NACHO WEEK—Starting July 8!
Psst! Tell your tummy that one of the most delicious events of the summer is heading its way—it's the Mercury's NACHO WEEK! Creative, $8 plates of scrumptious nachos from your favorite restaurants for an entire week, starting July 8!

WOW, THAT IS A LOT OF GOOD READIN'. I hope you didn't have any other plans this weekend! Dig in, and remember: Producing all this hard work costs moolah—so please consider contributing to the Mercury to keep it all coming! Thanks!