Well, keep in mind that this is the PBA endorsing Eileen Brady -- not Eileen Brady endorsing the PBA. It doesn't mean that she supports every single one of their proposals. In fact, as the Oregonian story notes, they worked pretty hard to find an alternative.
But, as I wrote at BlueOregon, it appears that they've landed where I landed: That Portland's next mayor should be someone who can win support from both the small business community AND the progressive political community.
No one is under any illusions that the future will be all wine and roses going forward, but we should actually celebrate the fact that the downtown business folks actually endorsed someone best known for her environmental activism, for helping deliver health care to 94,000 Oregon kids, and for co-founding a local business that provides health care to its employees and their families (including domestic partners). Even if they had to hold their nose and endorse someone who once spent over a week in jail for protesting nukes at the Pentago.
(Full disclosure: My firm built Eileen Brady's campaign website. I speak only for myself.)
They must have struggled to choose an endorsement. All the leading candidates have more in common with the Party of European Socialists than their own Democrat Party. There choice must have rested on the fact the Brady is the only one with real experience in the private sector and has signed the front of a payroll check.
socialist, socialists, SOCIALISTS!!!! AAAAAUGH SOCIALISTS! hide the kids, duct tape your anus shut, and stuff your money in a jar and hide it in the yard! socialists are SCARY!
Karichislm says they landed where he landed? Small business & progressive? Uh, Brady has proven, over & over again, that she is not a true progressive. Also, if she's the 'pro-small business' candidate, then why did Jefferson Smith win the Small Business Champion award this year? Brady may be the pro-business candidate, but she ain't no small business candidate. Nice try though. She's gone after this endorsement at every turn, & they endorsed her because they know she will do whateverthehell they want her to do. Oh, and then there's that little bit about Brady being publicly AGAINST 66/67 last year. She sounds like a Republican w/all her 'job creator' talk. THAT'S why they endorsed her.
This will likely mean more cash in the Brady campaign coffers, which it looks like they may need since even though they have raised a lot of cash, they've spent a lot (at least according to WW last week, the Brady campaign had raised over $350K but only had $142K on hand):
"Socialism takes care of people."
Your right about that. Socialism enslaves people, drains out the individuality, removes incentives and in some socialist nations, they even bury you in mass graves. Socialism has such a wonderful, peaceful and caring history taking care of people.
PortlandPeter wrote, "Oh, and then there's that little bit about Brady being publicly AGAINST 66/67 last year."
You have a source for that?
Because Eileen Brady was in favor of 66 and 67. She worked pretty damn hard to get the Oregon Business Association to stay neutral (rather than oppose it).
Apparently Karichislm wasn't invited to the meetings. Oh, that's right, the Brady campaign is paying him. Brady was part of a business lobby group which lobbied the legislature against the bills that led to 66/67. She expressed anger, in meeting after meeting, at Democrats in the legislature about these bills. Her anger over 66/67 remained so pointed that in a meeting about kicker reform, she basically took kicker reform off the table & said the group of business lobbyists she was representing would not support kicker reform unless a capitol gains tax for upper income Oregonians was attached. She basically shut down the meeting.
As far as I can tell, your two comments on this thread are the only ones you have ever made Blogtown. Both comments contain some provocative statements about Brady. And YET! They leave out some compelling details...So...
What business lobby group are you referring to? And what was Brady's role in the group?
You cite a meeting about kicker reform? When was it and who was there?
In other words, if the Merc News Team or any other local reports were to take your bait on this, where should they actually start?
BTW - Merc News Team, I am truly curious about how much money is being raised and how it is being spent, especially in comparison to the last couple Mayoral races. At least with regard to the Brady campaign, we are already past the Voter Owned Election budget levels...
Merc News Team: Brady was campaigning hard to get a larger number of small, individual donors than Potter got. But she's also got a lot more money than small donors would account for. I think her supporters are being led to believe she will campaign with their money against special interests. What percentage of her money is coming from folks giving less than $100, and who is coming up with the rest?
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Here's a poll for Mercury readers: Do you work for a business?
I do. All the staff at the Mercury do. How about you guys?
But, as I wrote at BlueOregon, it appears that they've landed where I landed: That Portland's next mayor should be someone who can win support from both the small business community AND the progressive political community.
No one is under any illusions that the future will be all wine and roses going forward, but we should actually celebrate the fact that the downtown business folks actually endorsed someone best known for her environmental activism, for helping deliver health care to 94,000 Oregon kids, and for co-founding a local business that provides health care to its employees and their families (including domestic partners). Even if they had to hold their nose and endorse someone who once spent over a week in jail for protesting nukes at the Pentago.
(Full disclosure: My firm built Eileen Brady's campaign website. I speak only for myself.)
(I'll give you a hint: the answer is zero)
wait..., what is a socialist anyway?
$200K seems like a lot to have spent this early in the campaign but I'm no campaign finance expert so maybe that par for the course?
Your right about that. Socialism enslaves people, drains out the individuality, removes incentives and in some socialist nations, they even bury you in mass graves. Socialism has such a wonderful, peaceful and caring history taking care of people.
You have a source for that?
Because Eileen Brady was in favor of 66 and 67. She worked pretty damn hard to get the Oregon Business Association to stay neutral (rather than oppose it).
Whoever told you otherwise was lying to you.
As far as I can tell, your two comments on this thread are the only ones you have ever made Blogtown. Both comments contain some provocative statements about Brady. And YET! They leave out some compelling details...So...
What business lobby group are you referring to? And what was Brady's role in the group?
You cite a meeting about kicker reform? When was it and who was there?
In other words, if the Merc News Team or any other local reports were to take your bait on this, where should they actually start?
BTW - Merc News Team, I am truly curious about how much money is being raised and how it is being spent, especially in comparison to the last couple Mayoral races. At least with regard to the Brady campaign, we are already past the Voter Owned Election budget levels...