
False equivalance much?
You know something, Jarhead, I'd agree with you if I didn't see the shortcomings and hypocrisy of mainstream Christianity laid out time after time after time after time...

I'll make all religions a deal: I'll stop mocking you forever if you give up your tax exempt status. Sounds fair to me!
So what was Jarhead's point again? That pointing out Christian hypocracy is somehow undermining his healthy blanket hatred for all Muslims?
Well, the way you dropped that comment made it seem like we don't get to talk shit about a specific public statement made by an American religious org. without making equal comment about the homophobia of Muslims, which is just silly.
Alright, show me a puff piece the Merc has printed re: Islam, because I don't recall ever seeing one.
And this too: I'm about as fond of Islam as I am of any religion, i.e. I'm Not Fond of It. But where I have to draw the line is how so many of my fellow Americans are likely to suddenly have a problem with "Muslims" when what they really mean is "brown people." I'm not saying that's what you're about here, but it's why they get ever so slightly more dispensation.
Nope. Not what I said. And you're stalling. Show me an example of where the Mercury has run a "puff piece" on muslims.
And I don't mean a positive piece on a middle-eastern restaurant.
And note please that I never said that You, Jarhead, don't like brown people. I was, however, saying that it is definitely the motivation behind many Americans' dislike of "muslims," even though a lot of the people they end up beating up and killing are often Sikhs, or Pacific Islanders, or what have you, which even further serves to prove the point.
Yeah, but again I don't recall seeing any articles on Islam in the Merc, and I'm gonna stop there.

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