Very long story short, I’m a woman in the process of getting out of a long and abusive marriage. I’m getting therapy. One factor of that abuse: I’m still a virgin, at least as far as penetration is concerned. (That’s another long story.) If I can even find anybody interested in me, how do I tell them the only stuff I know about consensual sex is what I’ve read about it? The few people I’ve told the full story didn’t believe me at first. All I can imagine is a new person running away.
Various Insecurities Rock Genuinely Inexperienced Newbie
You shouldn’t hesitate to tell someone—particularly a new person you want to have sex with—that you’ve never had penetrative sex before. And while you don’t owe that new person the full story, VIRGIN, you might wanna tell them what you told me. Give them the outline: You want to fuck...
Vivamus dui velit, vehicula non sodales a, aliquet sit amet orci. In lorem nulla, porttitor a nibh ac, auctor sodales libero. Phasellus sit amet consectetur urna, sed congue neque. Mauris a commodo arcu, sed commodo libero. Nam vel orci sapien. Pellentesque ac magna hendrerit, efficitur purus dapibus, facilisis est. Maecenas tortor ante, lacinia eget ante vitae, aliquet interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi quis bibendum arcu.
...but you recently got out of an abusive marriage and you’re getting professional help to deal with the emotional fallout—so you’re not asking them to be your therapist—but you are understandably nervous and more than a little scared about the fucking you’d like to do...
Click here to read the rest of this week's Mini Savage Love (free-to-all).
Vivamus dui velit, vehicula non sodales a, aliquet sit amet orci. In lorem nulla, porttitor a nibh ac, auctor sodales libero. Phasellus sit amet consectetur urna, sed congue neque. Mauris a commodo arcu, sed commodo libero. Nam vel orci sapien. Pellentesque ac magna hendrerit, efficitur purus dapibus, facilisis est. Maecenas tortor ante, lacinia eget ante vitae, aliquet interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi quis bibendum arcu.