I have this theory that the reason the DJC has exclusive stories is because their RSS feed is broken, so lazy reporters won't know what they're reporting on without visiting the website. Anyway, today they announce another chapter in the sordid history of the Grove Hotel.

  • Matt Davis
Old Town developer David Gold—who owns the parking lot across the street and the rest of the Grove's block—wants to turn it into a youth hostel.

“I think it would be a fantastic transition from the current drug and alcohol recovery population to the international visitor demographic," Gold told the DJC.

The city bought the property in November 2007, under the auspices of the Housing Authority of Portland, which lowered the monthly rent for a small, dismal room from $550 to $335. A few years later, HAP sold it to the Portland Development Commission (PDC), which currently rents the building to Central City Concern for transitional housing. Central City has been running operations there since September 1, 2008.

Now Gold is doing feasibility studies on a potential youth hostel. If they pan out, he'll likely buy the building from PDC after Central City moves to another facility in July.

"Our desire is to put the property to the highest and best use," says PDC's Shawn Uhlman. "We'll work with David for as long as it takes."