Feature Jul 20, 2016 at 4:00 am

How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Hills and Love E-Biking

Allison Kerek


To ride an electric bike you still have to be somehow trim. Make an electric thing that the aging baby boomers and the obese can use, there are many of those out there. And make it so they still need to exercise a bit to get it going like maybe make them sweat a bit to charge the batteries. To need more information please click here http://bestroadbikereviwes.blog.com/2016…
25mph is too fast for bike lanes.
Welcome to the wonderful world of e-bikes! We loved our first experience with them so much we became Pedego dealers. Seeing that "goofy grin" is the best thing ever...especially when the person has been unable to ride a bike for health reasons. Go ahead and get one! Who needs all those silly posessions anyway, right?

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