Anonymous Jun 3, 2014 at 10:23 am


How does a city and state reverse over 150 years of racism? How do they attract minorities?
Now I get it. Starbucks was plugging a couple of their new gonna be spots and they said Patios for after glowing. All whitey white. Good luck in your search for the truth.
You see patios filled with white people because Portland is filled with white people, which is because Oregon is filled with white people. This isn't anything new.

There are a lot of bad things white people have done historically and even recently, including here, but "eating outside" isn't one of them.
Person 1: "Things aren't as good as they used to be."

Person 2: "They never were."
Wow, there are so many things wrong with your rant against white people on patios that it's hard to know where to start, but I'll try. First, unless you're native American, you came here from someplace else. Second, the same crappy bungalow in NE PDX that costs over $300 grand can be bought for about 90 in the midwest, so if anybody has raised the cost of living here, it's those from CA who think Portland housing cheap. Third, and then I'll shut up, you're being racist against whatever ethnic group it is that you consider yourself a part of. What, all you folks like to do is stay indoors with the blinds drawn staring at the TV and eating fried food, or rice, or whatever stereotype fits you?
I'm kinda tired with this Native Americans were here first. Didn't any race or other breed of Native Americans were before those everybody uses as an excuse, shield and sword to both arguments and accusations?

Didn't those same Native Americans killed other different breeds or ethnic legacies for territory?

Native Americans weren't saints either.
Hey how about you gather all your non white friends together and go eat on a patio. White people are the only ones eating outside because no other ethnic group has shown up. You can't blame white people because other ethnicities have chosen to stay home and order Domino's. Just fucking pull up a chair. PROBLEM FUCKING SOLVED!
Who said Native Americans (in which I would include Inuit, btw) were saints? All I'm saying is, don't claim Portland as "yours" because you were here "first." I'll add to what I said before that our property taxes are going up because of stupid decisions like flushing away millions of gallons of water that we had already been drinking for 3 days; spending sewer money on bike lanes; building the WES that operates only during rush hour weekdays instead of a truly useful light-rail connection to SW suburbia; and my favorite, sending the fire department out to help people last winter with frozen pipes, instead of telling them to call a plumber.
I'm sick of white people!

-some white person

Seriously, were all gonna fuckin die one day. Don't waste your time worrying about meaningless nonsense
"White people be sitting on patios!! Am I right? Yeah, you groan, but yall know I'm right...."
Get a job hippie.
Is this about gentrification of the ghetto? Jiminy Carter caught hell for his "ethnic purity" statement, when in fact he was actually making an accurate observation, that birds of a feather flock together. Gentrification might seem inflationary, but we are actually in a deep recession of deflation; everybody gets less.
Dread, you're right, but don't forget to take into account there's a history (everywhere, not just Portland) of destroying certain flocks. Like, let's tear down a neighborhood to build the Rose Garden.
You see "patios filled with white people" because the Portland you choose to see is "filled with white people". Personally, I like that unlike the Northeast where I'm from, here in Portland restaurants and bars and some neighborhoods are more integrated. That people choose not to see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. And yes, Portland, like every other city in America has a race problem, our entire country has a race problem, but please... stop ignoring minorities because you choose to only notice 'whiteness'.
Pie, the Memorial Coliseum was built on property condemned by the City. As you allude, this dislocated predominately, Negro, citizens; the polite term at the time. There used to be a place called the Paramount Theater on Southwest Broadway, too. The City offered the private owner about $75,000.00 for the place. He declined the offer because he made his living by hosting rock concerts there, so the City condemned the property and confiscated it, changing the name to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Then the City taxed the citizens to renovate the place. Fact is, it was much more decorative as the Paramount, and had better served the popular interest. Gentrification is more of a gradual creep. You can fight the battle one building at a time. You don't go planning ghettos any more than you do concentration camps. Yes, it takes money. The real damage is when property tax increases due to surrounding values of new construction which often results in long time home owners being forced to move to where the property tax is lower. Perhaps property tax ought to be limited to the rate at which time the property was purchased.
Is a patio the same thing as a front porch? Where are all these damn patios? I'm hungry.
I am as white as a human can be. I wish I was a mixture of other cultures, but that is not the point. I burn quickly in the sun, so no Haley Berry here.

I love to sit on the patio/balcony because it reminds me of the days in the Adirondacks looking up to the sky. In fact , Portland is a lot like that with white people. Only more!!!!!!!
i tuned into this I,A because I THOUGHT it may actually have some discussion of loving on the patio, porntland style.

but even better! more urban renewal ejaculate! Oh hell yeah.
Oh come on- we all know Mexicans love cumpleanos in the public park, black people hang out on basketball courts, Muslims barbecue goats at the oasis, and Chinese people crave casinos and pagodas. So what?
The other side of gentrification is that ghettos are poverty stricken crime zones that look like crap. Yes some people will be displaced when areas are improved, but as a society, the alternative if doing nothing leaves the ghetto as is. Is that a good thing? Because people railing against gentrification act like it is. While there have been some misguided condemning property to build entertainment zones, highways, hospitals, and PSU was a bullshit move, but the more modern version where artists move in because of cheap rent, people follow to live in the cool area, and eventually, you have Alberta street. As far as this racist IA (pretty sure eating outside transcends race), it shows how different things are now that anyone of any race would even bother to complain about this says a lot.
Whatever, this is hilarious.
The largest demographic of smokers are low income, less educated whites. This is where they congregate. It's one of the few places where smoking is normal behavior.
You humans amuse me. A perpetual narrowing mind likely caused by a single sun and a mere 4 dimensions.

You poor things.

Green Aliens Rule - all other colors find a patio.
This is too funny. My friend Carl LOVES patios! Ha!
If you're driving around Portland and seeing patios of any kind, get a proper map.

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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