
What exactly are these tennis matches and basketball games that would make money as spectator events? Anything good enough to do so (i.e. Davis Cup or ATP Series tennis, college basketball of any kind) is something PAM already does or would be willing to do, in one building or the other. Anything else wouldn't actually draw spectators or make money.
The only idea I've seen so far that would have a chance of getting enough public support to stop "jumptown" is a year-round market. It would make money, attract people to the area, and there's clearly demand for it, based on attendance at farmers' markets around town. If that can be combined with another proposal as well, great - but realistically it's the only alternative that stands a chance right now.
And so begins the Portland Trailblazers destroying what the MC is and bastardizing it into whatever they want. I hope everyone is very proud of themselves for fighting so hard to save the world's largest future Fuddruckers.

It's a correction, not a clarification. The city isn't in the business of breaking legal agreements.

The existing operating agreement was, as you noted, negotiated as part of a prior larger agreement around Rose Quarter development. It's a binding agreement that we take very seriously.

I did note that if there's a compelling proposal that would require Β 
it, the city would certainly consider taking another look at the Β 
operating agreement, with a potential interest in renegotiation--in Β 
the context of a larger development agreement with the Blazers.

But to be crystal clear, no one is "breaking" any agreement.

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