Anonymous Apr 4, 2016 at 4:57 pm


Even the porn clerks in Portland ooze entitlement these days. Newsflash chief, you made the conscious decision to work in that industry. If your employer is paying you an hourly wage, maybe you should rethink your brilliant choice of career paths.
Damnit, Trayvon's right. Everyone knows how expensive the real deal is. That's why your industry exists in the first place.
This is why normal people get their porn on the Internet.
Trayvon, I don't think entitlement has anything to do with it. It's about doing what's right. If I go to an establishment where the employees cater to me and make me feel comfortable, I like to give a little extra to let them know that their service is appreciated.

We tip our bartenders, doormen, bell hops, waitress's, bouncers get tipped out at the end of the night by bartenders etc etc. Porn clerks are all of those things rolled in to one and you're going to say that they ooze entitlement. Absurd.

And what is with your smug holier than thou attitude towards career choices as if everything happens by choice and the way our lives unfold is totally within our control as if life is just that simple. Sometimes people end up where they end up not by choice but by circumstance.

Maybe you're one of the few who's entire life has played out by design and every choice you have ever made has resulted in success. Maybe you're right where you want to be, a self made man on top of the world ready to give your wise opinion on every single I Anonymous post ever posted.

Not everyone is that lucky. If you were as smart as you think you are you would probably realize that.


Here's hoping that choice and/or circumstance land you in a better spot than porn clerking.

BTW, I come from a land far away where you make $2.35/hr plus tips as a bartender/waiter. A land where you are truly dependent on tips for your living. If you're working for minimum wage as a porn clerk, and not receiving the tips you feel you deserve, then look for a job that doesn't put you in a position to depend on the generosity of blatant perverts. You may not make more money, but at least you'll feel better about yourself.

And if you don't believe you can do any better, then I really do feel a little sorry for you. Because, at that point, you are truly and only selling yourself short. It has nothing to do with your perception of the life I've lived up to this point. And I assure you, my life has consisted of plenty of mistakes and less than perfect circumstances.

And you're right about me coming across as smug. Just as I'm right about you coming across as entitled. Only one of us can really improve their life circumstances by accepting their character flaw, and the other will only stand to improve their character. Care to venture a guess as to who is who?
Again, it has nothing to do with what's "deserved" or "entitled" and everything to do with common decency as a human being (even in the world of blatant perverts). Read again what was written.

What has me doing something better have to do with anything? I enjoy what I do for living, it's just my OPINION that if you're being catered to then you should kick down something extra.

I always tip (usually above what's expected) whenever I'm at an establishment where the employees cater to me (I don't think you read that in my last comment so I felt it necessary to repeat myself) What's wrong with expecting others to follow suite? Again read the examples given.

The thing is, others will not follow suite, which is the whole point of I Anonymous, an outlet for people to gripe, complain, congratulate etc about the things that we cannot control in our daily lives. Come on man, you spend enough of your life scrolling through these post giving your unwanted opinion time and time again. I shouldn't have to tell you that.

So you're a smug asshole and I'm an entitled smut peddler. Only one of us can really improve their life circumstances by accepting their character flaws and the other will only continue to be a smug asshole. Care to venture a guess as to who is who?

P.S. I've said all I have to say, my point has been made. If you want to respond, feel free, but your words will fall on deaf ears. Good day.

"If you want to respond, feel free, but your words will fall on deaf ears."

As will your post my friend. When you use the word "deserved" in the manner you have, it's no different than a feeling of entitlement. And if you enjoy your job as much as you say you do, than cheapskate perverts shouldn't be getting you this worked up.

As for reposing my question, who has the most to gain from changing their attitude? Certainly not me. And trust me when I say that, expecting others to live up to the expectations you've set for yourself is fool's errand.

"Newsflash chief"

"I come from a land far away"

Racist much?

^ Hilarious if you're being facetious Ben Dejo. Pathetic if you're being serious.

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