It’s going on right now. Here’s your chance to get back at those Wall Street fucks who recklessly crash the economy again and again because you guessed it, they’re going to crash it again. Imminently. Except this time people on the internet caught on and the SEC is passing regulations to control the crash to make sure the hedge funds are the ones left holding the bag.

Create a trading account on Fidelity or something (but NOT Robinhood) and buy a share of Game Stop (GME) and hold it. Hold it while market crashes, except the price GME will go up. Supply and demand; you will be holding a precious share that a hedge fund will need to buy back from you. See, they created millions of “naked short” shares and traded them back and forth in an attempt to bankrupt GameStop so they could keep the money for themselves, tax free. But for the first time ever retail investors, (i.e. you) spoiled their plan by buying them up and holding them. The apes on r/Superstonk can explain it better than I can so do yourself a favor and learn. One share is hovering around $150 before takeoff. Then one share could quite possibly sell for millions and they will HAVE to buy it from you.

Here’s your chance; it will not happen again. Good luck and see you on the moon.