I was just on the bus with about 6 other passengers when we were stopped and boarded by 8 fare inspectors who gruffly demanded we show proof of fare. This is a bus where we all already showed proof of fare to the driver. I imagine you pay your fare inspectors at least $20 an hour. Of course all 6 riders had already paid their fare, so that was a complete waste of everyone's time. But even if all 6 of us were fare evaders, how in the world do you justify the waste of resources to recoup $12 - $18? Also, they felt like Gestapo demanding papers. That was a total waste of time and money that could be much better spent on building covered bus shelters. I consider this a complete failure by management to correctly identify priorities and useful allocation of resources. Do better. Much better. I am deeply ashamed of our city for this. All of those people should be reassigned to drive or clean buses, to actually provide a service to your PAYING CUSTOMERS! That was some serious bullshit you just put us all through. I deeply resent it.