In the flood of news about sexual harassment in professions like filmmaking, comedy, media, and tech, you've probably heard someone remind you #MeToo
Years of federal government data about sexual harassment claims show just how necessary it is for us to include these oft-forgotten voices in the movement.
Buzzfeed received 20 years' worth of data on more than 170,000 workplace sexual harassment claims, 83 percent of them filed by women. A breakdown of the complaints by industry shows that sexual harassment is prominent in lower wage jobs, where women and women of color are typically overrepresented.
One chart shows 2016 data to compare wages in certain industries to the rate of sexual harassment charges in those industries. Guess what? Low-wage industries like retail and food service had higher rates of sexual harassment claims than higher wage industries like finance and professional services. Some of the highest rates of harassment claims come in industries with wages somewhere in between, like manufacturing and public administration.
Experts told Buzzfeed that blue collar and service industries like restaurants (where workers are dependent on tips from customers and shift assignments from their bosses) and agriculture (where there are fewer people around) face higher likelihoods of harassment.
Go read the full story and check out the charts here. And find the full set of data from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission here.