
Why isn't she on ObamaCare? With her income level it would be highly, highly subsidized.

The real crime here (and act of gross stupidity) is giving illegally obtained prescription drugs to her daughter without the advice of a physician. She could easily have killed her daughter. That is the act that should be punished here.

Making access to abortions easier "may" have given her a better choice but that assumes there is enough demand/paying customers to justify a clinic where they live. There is a whole lot of rural land in the US and tens of millions of people that have to travel hours from their farm/ranch/small town to see a doctor.
You should just be a dumb motherfucker in private where no one can see it. If you're married, give your wife my deepest condolences.
"The rate of chlamydia among black women was over six times the rate among white women. The chlamydia rate among black men was over eight times the rate among white men.

39.7% of all cases of syphilis were among blacks, who make up 14% of the total population. The overall 2012 rate for blacks was 6.1 times the rate for whites. In 2012, the rate of P&S syphilis among black men was 5.7 times the rate among white men; the rate among black women was 16 times the rate among white women.

Black men aged 20–24 had a gonorrhea rate of 1,903.7 cases per 100,000 men, which was 16.4 times the rate among white men in the same age group. Black men aged 15–19 years had a gonorrhea rate of 1,012.3 cases per 100,000 men, which was 26.2 times the rate among white men in the same age group."

“Although blacks make up only 13.6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 50.3 percent of all diagnosed cases of HIV. Additionally, the rate of HIV diagnosis among black men is eight times that of whites and two times that of Hispanics, and the rate for black women is 19 times that of whites and four times that of Hispanics.” -
Hey how about policing the spam in your comments? Also, why does this show up in the "Most Commented" list?

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