
Is the time a typo on the PPB website? It happened around 7.
"asking whether curbing that violence was maybe more a priority than pushing homeless people out of the Central Eastside."

That is a false dilema if I've ever seen one.
Maybe, Stank. But the bureau often bemoans it's lack of manpower for "gang enforcement" but is pulling in officers from all three precincts to work the sweeps.
Sounds like the PoPo need some MoPo in the NoPo.
Mad about your Salt & Straw. That's the kind of shit that makes me happy y'all can't afford to live here anymore
Wow, an un-managed non-event dis-lead by an anti-group suffers actual-violence? Color me pseudo-shocked
"On Tuesday, I asked PPB spokesman Sgt. Pete Simpson about the shootings this year, asking whether curbing that violence was maybe more a priority than pushing homeless people out of the Central Eastside."

How, exactly, would you suggest they focus on preventing this? Arresting people in hoodies? Stop and frisk those who look like they could be in a gang, like brown and black people with baggie pants? Maybe we could have more events where gang members can come together as part of a community....oh, wait.
Thank you Charlie Hales for not blocking off Alberta St. and pulling the police from this month's Last Thursday, which most people did not learn about until showing up at the event last night. Your decision made the event unsafe for the community. The blood from this shooting is on your hands! #PortlandLivesMatter
The cops were there and the event was cancelled. If Hales is responsible for anything, it's letting this unpermitted shitshow go on for as long as it has.
Curious if the Marcus Cooper who was arrested here is the same guy who was convicted of breaking into a nearby residents house and beating him at an earlier Last Thursday?…
Is anyone else surprised that PPB could foot chase and disarm a suspect? I didn't know they had it in them.
@econoline, yes that's the same guy. His new mugshot appears near the end of this video.…
Woodstock worked, and Vortex worked, but nobody seems to think Altamont anything but a fluke.

Altamont Free Concert - Death of Meredith Hunter

Woodstock 69 The Lost Performances The Band, Canned Heat, Joan Baez, Crosby Stills Nash, Janis
GUN VIOLENCE involves guns. Gang-Violence is six brutal Policepersons beating on one handcuffed unarmed individual (as seen on raw unedited videos)
Turns out it was a resident that led the chase that got the shooter. Makes more sense.
@sgtgrumbles and @econoline Marcus is an activist, and was acting in that capacity when arrested on this charge. I cannot speak to an apparent loss of temper, but the charges against him this time are the amorphous charges the police use to detain people they dont like. i dont think I saw 'resisting arrest', a favorite.....
Nevermind, of course it's there, silly me.....
Yes it's the same guy who beat the guy for having his car towed (shocker!). As to the question of where are the parents, did you see their response in the courtroom per the o live article yesterday? His dad (who was arrested on attempted murder a few years ago) showed no apology and instead tried to fault police for talking to the kid before getting a hold of him and was most concerned about getting the kid some money in prison. As if they didn't have multiple witnesses, a confession and ballistics evidence. Apples don't generally fall too far.
Portland is falling prey to the success of the gang racketeering cases of the mid 90's. The offspring of those gangsters are now trying to get their own street cred. And their parents are not teaching them to stay away from violence and guns, only to keep their mouths shut around the police.
Blast Thursday? Never heard of it.
"'What Little Of It Exists,' get it?" —DIRK VANDERHART

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