UPDATE 12:15 AM: Due to the dangerous situation and loss of control exhibited by the Portland Police, we have pulled our reporters off the street for the night. It's simply too dangerous for them to be out there right now. We'll continue to monitor the situation and update you tomorrow.
TO RECAP: The evening started out extremely uplifting with an estimated 10,000 people protesting in Portland to end police brutality, many marching across the Burnside Bridge and meeting up with thousands more downtown at Pioneer Square. At the 10 pm hour things went sideways when protesters, marching to the fenced Justice Center were gassed from the front and the rear by police. Our reporters were among the hundreds affected, many of whom were innocent bystanders. The majority of the crowd marched out of town, while roughly 1,000 protesters returned to the Justice Center. After a 30 minute standoff, police claimed that some sort of projectiles were thrown at them, sending them into tear gassing fury, throwing gas canisters at any random grouping that was in range. In short, this was FAR MORE gas than has been used during this series of protests, and under FAR LESS provocation. In short, the Portland Police department lost their shit tonight, and there will be many questions to be answered tomorrow.
Thank you all for joining us tonight, and I especially thank our on-the-ground reporters Alex Zielinski and Blair Stenvick who were insanely brave, even while being gassed by police more than once. If you appreciate their dedication to keeping Portland informed, I hope you will consider donating to keep their work going at the Portland Mercury. They certainly deserve your support. We'll see you in the morning.
THREAD: The OJRC strongly condemns tonight’s actions by the City of Portland and Portland Police Bureau. PPB’s continued use of flash bang grenades, tear gas, intimidation, and violence against protestors is reprehensible. 1/
— Oregon Justice Resource Center (@OJRCenter) June 3, 2020
UPDATE MIDNIGHT: Hat tips to all my journos still out there at the midnight hour. And I'd like to remind Portland Police to keep your goddamn mitts off journalists!
I just got manhandled by police after filming this one even while identifying myself as a journalist and showing my press pass. They slammed me into a wall as I was choking on teargas. An independent journo pulled me away from officers and got me out.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) June 3, 2020
Our Alex Zielinski is still out on the street—AND HAS BEEN AT THIS FOR THE LAST FIVE DAYS LET'S NOT FORGET—and doing her job.
Downtown is absolutely flooded with police cars right now. People putting up their hands whenever they speed by.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Police behavior tonight in Portland is completely baffling.
Suggests an uncontainable rage on the part of police. https://t.co/ca8m1u9FXV
— Henry Kraemer 🌹🌇🚎 (@HenryKraemer) June 3, 2020
I’m calling it. Too many cops throwing tear gas from cars at random groups of people.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
WELP! I guess we can safely say that the "Nice Dad" the Portland Police was pretending to be has decided he's had enough with home life, and is going to live with his girlfriend.
UPDATE 11:45 PM: Personal note: I would like to be acknowledged for having the forethought to run to the liquor store this afternoon and buy a nice, big bottle of vodka. Thank you for your acknowledgement.
Somebody must have touched the fence:
Another tear gas volley: pic.twitter.com/whYxAzkVtm
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
PPB announcing that “this is a civil disturbance.” Some protestors are setting off fireworks.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
And here comes the cloud.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
What the police say:
Demonstrators are throwing projectiles at police—some are coming from up above in a parking garage. This is very dangerous for all. Our sound truck is advising that this is an unlawful assembly and to leave now. We are telling people to turn around and leave northbound.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
(I bet someone touched the fence.)
Cops take a knee.... In order to put on their gasmasks and gas the crowd.
— PopMob (Popular Mobilization) (@PopMobPDX) June 3, 2020
Police are running down 4th towards crowd. pic.twitter.com/FopcatJbDr
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
People are picking up tear gas canisters and throwing them back towards the police.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
"Mean Dad" is trying so hard to be nice.
This is an unlawful assembly and we continue to advise the crowd to leave the downtown area. To those who are—thank you!! We have already made multiple arrests and will continue to do so.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
And ... now the police are using tear gas and flash bangs to clear 4th near Taylor. (videos by @Jimryan015) pic.twitter.com/2BgBGGTNUZ
— The Oregonian (@Oregonian) June 3, 2020
And look what's going on now in Seattle! For once we're equal.
Lots of explosions here as police deploy tear gas and flash bangs. #seattlepprtest pic.twitter.com/NgXL9zOyO3
— Jake Goldstein-Street (@GoldsteinStreet) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 11:30 PM: While this standoff continues, let's check across the Burnside Bridge where our Blair Stenvick has followed a crowd across the river.
I’m on the east side of the burnside bridge now. I ran into organizers giving out snacks, medical supplies, etc. they tell me they’ve encountered more people needing medical attention tonight than in the previous couple nights—both for tear gas and rubber bullet wounds pic.twitter.com/Dinm09aZzK
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Some protestors marched back across the burnside bridge, and now appeared to be headed back to downtown to join the protest there again.
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
The large crowd remains on SW 4th and Taylor near the fencing surrounding the Justice Center. We appreciate that no one is trying to tamper with the fence. Let's keep this peaceful.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
Fence update. pic.twitter.com/nCPcrALuy1
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Tensions high at fence, police donned gas masks pic.twitter.com/sJ6UadUeAE
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 11:15 PM: After a brief stopover at Pioneer Square, where speeches and skateboard tricks were made, the crowd is making their way back to the Justice Center.
Okay pioneer square group is mobilizing towards justice center again.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Protestors returning to justice center, this has been where police have asserted no one should gather pic.twitter.com/GlLQ0HB78M
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Use of force warning. 1st pic.twitter.com/BfGBggamKJ
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Standoff at fence #portland pic.twitter.com/O0ThVll2eH
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Cops in parking garages are pointing weapons at crowd from the roof near 4th and Salmon
— PopMob (Popular Mobilization) (@PopMobPDX) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 11 PM: Here's the scene currently in Pioneer Square:
People are back in Pioneer Square in very diminished numbers. Talking about marching again, but speaking first. This is Zero Cato, 21. pic.twitter.com/BXwKrnXssA
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 3, 2020
Consistent with other nights, when a cluster finds another, they crowd cheers pic.twitter.com/gCWrxKV6iz
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Two hours of gassing, grenades, rubber bullets and pepper balls from the cops and this is where it got them. pic.twitter.com/B9EC5EROHM
— PopMob (Popular Mobilization) (@PopMobPDX) June 3, 2020
Police seem content to let protestors linger in pioneer square pic.twitter.com/cD5oQfSuNq
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile across town....
Portland } info call only: NE 45/Glisan, report of a topless woman attempting to hit vehicles as they pass by
— Portland OR Alerts (@pdxalerts) June 3, 2020
Probably unrelated.
UPDATE 10:45 PM: It's taking awhile to figure out what's going on downtown. We know that a lot of people have left the downtown core via the Burnside Bridge. Meanwhile factions of protesters have split apart but seem to be drifting back together at Pioneer Square.
Very different scene now at Pioneer Courthouse Square. Much of the massive crowd from earlier has gone. Police have used tear gas in the area. (video via @Jimryan015) pic.twitter.com/aU7q8Z0pxh
— The Oregonian (@Oregonian) June 3, 2020
It's definitely a place where the cops do NOT want you to be.
A peaceful group left east on the Burnside Bridge without incident. If you are looking to safely leave downtown, head west, north or east away from Pioneer Courthouse Square area. https://t.co/ePbAzTsqg0
— Multnomah Co Sheriff (@MultCoSO) June 3, 2020
Following a large group walking south down 4th to pioneer square.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
A very important point that will be brought up later:
I’ve seen zero looting or arson tonight. From what I can tell, the only criminal acts were people allegedly throwing objects over the fence at officers. Did I miss something?
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
And a new, very different rally in Pioneer Square has begun.
“For 400 hundred years my people have been treated like animals” pic.twitter.com/yMbupx8M39
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Here's something we'll be asking the department about tomorrow:
Portland police spraying license plates with spray paint pic.twitter.com/gfKhaIydIY
— Matcha chai (@matcha_chai) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 10:30 PM: As thousands make their way out of town, a brawl between protesters and police has erupted downtown.
There are multiple groups now downtown who are throwing projectiles at police. This is an unlawful assembly and all should leave the area now.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
It's chaos.
Scenes are like this all over the place pic.twitter.com/bFPVx19dPk
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) June 3, 2020
Crowds scattered around downtown now. Largish group at 4th and Alder. Booms are resounding elsewhere though. Hard to tell where.
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 3, 2020
Protestors help those hit with tear gas. A little hard to see but a man is helping a woman kneeling on the ground. He’s spraying a solution into her eyes. pic.twitter.com/1MDSB4sz2O
— Allison Mechanic (@AlliMechanic_TV) June 3, 2020
A good question from Blair:
Which criminal activities? https://t.co/xEpBy0ZUUA
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 10:15 PM: Meanwhile back at Pioneer Square, apparently the massive crowd is packing it in for the night.
Thousands are now leaving Pioneer Courthouse Square to peacefully march back eastbound on the Burnside Bridge. Drivers please use caution in this area. Thank you everyone for keeping this event peaceful!
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
"Peaceful"... unless you're back at the fence.
Flash bangs and tear gas being shot again.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Conflict: heavy tear gas and flash bangs pic.twitter.com/wKvofstSYQ
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
This is what it looks like when officers fire tear gas in a crowd of a thousand. pic.twitter.com/yXB4g1aIc8
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Our Blair Stenvick is reporting that she got tear gassed again.
Police declare unlawful assembly, fire more teargas downtown
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
More gas. A lot more gas. pic.twitter.com/84pYeLtYxs
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 10:00 PM: Here's what the cops are saying about why they launched tear gas at a crowd (which included our reporters). Yup, SOMEBODY TOUCHED A FENCE.
Curious how the gas knows which person touched the fence. Please advise.
— Gregory McKelvey (@GregoryMcKelvey) June 3, 2020
These were the same groups of people. https://t.co/1HG8m8k56D
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
This is the type of ‘riot control agents’ found on the ground pic.twitter.com/0hyLGtWR0X
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
No officers announcements for a while. Group of a thousand seem to be staying put, chanting in front of the fence.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Still at fence pic.twitter.com/6iwguVcET7
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 9:50 PM: Took a short break to check on our reporters, and I'm back. They're okay, and continuing to follow the action.
People have regrouped, are@marching towards the justice center again. Even bigger group this time it seems.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Protesters moving towards justice center pic.twitter.com/ESwQqJg2ES
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) June 3, 2020
Here’s the group: pic.twitter.com/p89WK6KwqL
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Organizers asking people to stay close. “If you’re on your own, you’ll get arrested. Stick together.”
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Several run-ins between police and protesters along the fenced area downtown. This is the fenced area: pic.twitter.com/IVLE8DNSuH
— The Oregonian (@Oregonian) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 9:30 PM: Well, that was nice while it lasted.
Tear gassed. pic.twitter.com/vAkqCR8lvb
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Here's what we currently know from this confusing scene. A breakaway group of protesters headed toward the Justice Center which had been fenced off since yesterday. Cops warned them to stay away from the fence at 4th and Taylor, and while it's currently unclear what set everything off (possibly someone shaking the fence?), according to our Alex Zielinski, riot police came up from behind and launched tear gas—effectively trapping the protesters (and our reporters) between the gas and fence.
This meant protesters were forced to run through clouds of smoke to escape.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
They got Blair, too.
Tear gas hurts a lot but fades quickly pic.twitter.com/h1YlKEPaFf
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Unclear why PPB needed to tear gas from two different directions—including from behind as people were running away.
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Here are scenes from area:
Firing tear gas rubber bullets pic.twitter.com/XerqNPWHSh
— Gimmethegroup #pdx #blacklivesmatter (@gimmethegroup) June 3, 2020
Portland Police have tear gassed downtown traffic because some people were shaking a fence #acab
— Andrew J. Sorg (@ewsorg) June 3, 2020
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 3, 2020
Near 4th and Yamhill: "Leave the area now or you'll be subject to uses of force." Reporters at Pioneer Courthouse Square say things there are still calm. (video via @Jimryan015) pic.twitter.com/nV2i3Fa5bu
— The Oregonian (@Oregonian) June 3, 2020
Both Alex and Blair report that they are okay, and will continue reporting because they are CHAMPIONS.
UPDATE 9:15 PM: As mentioned earlier, some protesters are leaving for home, while some have other plans....
Another bigger march begining “we’re going to justice center!” Some people respond: “this is a peaceful protest.” It’s gaining momentum. pic.twitter.com/Pw8SbzQcje
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
(Psst... the Justice Center is fenced off, but this is something the protesters know.)
Officers on loudspeaker saying people who “interfere with the fence” will be subject to arrest/force.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Vibe pic.twitter.com/bSwtSdOVa2
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
"Mean Dad" trying to be "Calm Dad":
Our sound truck is messaging that it is an unlawful assembly at 4th and Taylor and demonstrators must not tamper with the fence. We want to be clear that this is unrelated to the large peaceful protest at Pioneer Sq.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
Officer announces protesters will be met with “Impact munitions and riot control agents” if they don’t back away from fence. Not sure what warrants this.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Sw Taylor and 4th—people are coming up against fenced off area. Police in riot gear threatening use of force. People chanting quit your job. pic.twitter.com/kTlY8kng6o
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 8:55 PM: As we come closer to the 9 pm hour, sections of the crowd start heading for home, though the vast majority is staying and chanting. Still more have other plans:
Just saw a group of 20 start a mini march, yelling “Acab!”, waving a trans pride flag.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Here's a good use of an Apple Store:
This smashed Apple store has turned into a beautiful memorial. pic.twitter.com/88poklTlc5
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
A nice overhead shot:
Portland's living room is full as a peaceful protest over George Floyd's death and police brutality continues https://t.co/opUEELhaPT pic.twitter.com/KY4bOib56e
— KGW News (@KGWNews) June 3, 2020
And one below:
Pioneer Courthouse & Square Plaza, June 2, 2020 pic.twitter.com/yauTENbXtJ
— Andrew D. Jankowski (@AndrewJank) June 3, 2020
And check this out....
thousands of protesters are laying on the Burnside Bridge with their hands behind their back in Portland.
No nation should demand this kind of courage from its people. No nation should extract such sacrifice to survive.
— Suchitra Vijayan (@suchitrav) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile in Washington, DC:
Is this image giving anyone else Handmaid’s Tale vibes??? pic.twitter.com/4d9NGoI2PI
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 8:40 PM: In case you're thinking about driving downtown to check out the rally, maybe DON'T.
The two earlier demonstrations have merged into one at Pioneer Courthouse Sq and the surrounding streets. This is an extremely large and peaceful crowd. All vehicles should avoid this area to ensure the safety of all. Please check @trimetalerts for changes to their schedule.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
Wait... is this the SAME LLAMA that was at Revolution Hall?
There are thousands of people and also a llama at the#portlandprotests in Pioneer Square Courthouse right now.
— dyl (@Dylspeaks) June 3, 2020
Alex is on a graffiti hunt and... FOUND ONE!
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Former Mercurian Sarah Mark swoops in with the best idea so far of the night:
ACLU Legal Observer With a Motorcycle. They are... so cool. I want to watch their TV show. pic.twitter.com/HOZKBTrNut
— Sarah Mirk (@sarahmirk) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 8:25 PM: Remember earlier when I said this crowd DOES NOT like criminal shenanigans from rando instigators? Case in point:
This crowd is NOT into flag burning I guess. pic.twitter.com/OTJazz7fEu
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Chants of “peaceful protest.” pic.twitter.com/HuxJJCa0yp
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
More (actually dangerous) shenanigans:
A pick up truck just raced thru 4th & Burnside intersection. Very scary. Doesn’t appear anyone was hurt. Some demonstrators gave chase but truck took off. pic.twitter.com/X3sdwwLuRI
— Mike Benner (@MikeBennerKGW) June 3, 2020
As a general rule, BEWARE INSECURE WHITE MEN IN TRUCKS. (And for god's sake, don't sleep with them.)
Speaking of criminal shenanigans (the cop kind), here's what's happening in New York City right now:
Protestors are currently trapped on the Manhattan Bridge. NYPD will not let them off on either end.
We have seen how violent the police are willing to be with protestors, without provocation. All eyes on this bridge. https://t.co/Iz9Hqiz1Bj
— Sophie Ellman-Golan (@EgSophie) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 8:10 PM: The west side welcomes the east side!
Cheers as the eastside protest meets the westside. pic.twitter.com/w7ktbXqx3r
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
The two groups of protesters have converged at Pioneer Courthouse square and the crowd here is huge. I have no way to estimate from my vantage point. Many thousands.
— Jamie Hale (@HaleJamesB) June 3, 2020
Our crowd starts arriving at pioneer square pic.twitter.com/nUlbO0Wy6h
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
The streets around Pioneer Square are totally filled right now. pic.twitter.com/UzBDcGX8wk
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
If this isn't Portland's biggest protest of the series, I'll eat my hat. (Ha! Just kidding, I'm gluten free.)
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico doesn't fuck around.
Holy shit Puerto Rico just brought a guillotine to the Governor’s mansion for their #BlackLivesMatter protest.
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 7:55 PM: This crowd is HUUUUGE and when it hits downtown it's gonna be HUUUUGER.
A phone cam is not ideal for his but just look at how far back that crowd goes: pic.twitter.com/z44hog0MI0
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
I hear you, this is EXCITING. And it's something we as a city should be proud of. AND it's good to pause and remember exactly why we're doing this.
“I just want to say, we’re here for one reason: This man got killed by cops. Anything else doesn’t matter. Looting, rioting, that doesn’t matter. This man was killed by cops.” pic.twitter.com/LDscldHZp6
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Question: what is a Black square on Instagram gonna motivate you to do today that tons of dead Black bodies couldn’t?
— Phillip Henry (@MajorPhilebrity) June 2, 2020
“Everyone put a black square in your social media page today, right? You know what’s just as easy? Registering to vote.” pic.twitter.com/0CeONSytTr
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
This is why you vote. Congratulations, madame Mayor-elect! https://t.co/f7d3ks4cgE
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 7:40 PM: We'll continue our coverage of tonight's protests in Portland in just a moment, but first, a word from Ben & Jerry's:
The murder of George Floyd was the result of inhumane police brutality that is perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy. https://t.co/YppGJKHkyN pic.twitter.com/YABzgQMf69
— Ben & Jerry's (@benandjerrys) June 2, 2020
And now a word from Portland restaurant, Yonder:
“If you have money to support restaurants, you have money to donate to organizations working to dismantle systemic racism.” -Maya Lovelace, owner of Southern restaurant Yonder https://t.co/vyOvLklt9D
— Eater PDX (@eaterpdx) June 3, 2020
Now let's return to our protest, already in progress:
His name’s William. Here’s what he has to say about the first amendment: pic.twitter.com/6Q1AiJ9atd
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
He reminds everyone that the lives of Black men matter, but so do the lives of “Black women, trans Black people, gay Black people...” The crowd goes wild.
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Back on the bridge:
The nine minutes ends with a chant of “I can’t breathe”. Person with megaphone says “that’s what nine minutes on the ground feels like —WITHOUT a knee on your back.” pic.twitter.com/0vUSRXxoYh
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Coming off the bridge into downtown now. We’re headed to pioneer square. pic.twitter.com/2iEEPPhAZz
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
It's gonna be a homecoming.
UPDATE 7:25 PM: On the Burnside Bridge, living their best life.
“I have never seen this many Black people in one spot inPortland... I am living right now. “ pic.twitter.com/bBaYA3QYrF
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
And now, lying down on the bridge for nine minutes, in memory of how long a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on George Floyd's neck.
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
After a couple minutes of settling in, the crowd here on the burnside bridge is totally silent. Just the sound of helicopters overhead. pic.twitter.com/TXzlRDmSqh
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile, downtown:
This man was beaten and gassed by PPB on Sunday. He has to use a breathing tube right now. He has two asks: “keep coming to these protests and please vote.” pic.twitter.com/4cW5x9xlVI
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Also downtown... Good thing we called in the National Guard! Geez, slow down you guys! Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint!
Meanwhile, in Portland’s Justice Center. (Keeping photog anon). pic.twitter.com/S8zY8LChQA
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 7:15 PM: The march from Revolution Hall is nearing the Burnside Bridge—the scene of yesterday's "die in" and the final big demonstration of the night. We'll see what happens when they arrive.
Just about the get to the bridge. First, gotta make sure shoelaces are tight! pic.twitter.com/ls4HLWtO0m
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
On the bridge now pic.twitter.com/Yw1Cqiaqnb
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
And just like last night....
Seems like a good time to mention: I’ve yet to see any police tonight.
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
When the marchers eventually arrive at Pioneer Square, they'll have quite the welcome wagon waiting.
A moment. pic.twitter.com/qY0oqKtua9
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
The father of Deontae Keller is speaking. Keller was killed by PPB Officer Terry Kruger, the former police chief of West Linn who is under investigation by DOJ for this: https://t.co/jlP0XzNZ8g
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 7 PM: The march has gotten underway as HUUUUUGE throng at Rev Hall is now making their way downtown.
Front of the line at E burnside and 11th. “Say his name: George Floyd”. pic.twitter.com/m4NiA1R3zb
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
This shot provides some perspective:
A look at the group gathering outside Portland's Revolution Hall before a march through the city protesting police brutality and the death of #GeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/0JEynx5FoT
— Tristan Fortsch (@tristanCF) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile in Pioneer Square, Alex is bringing the quality dog content... because she knows which side of her bread is buttered.
Also, some dog content: pic.twitter.com/M6XreDL12u
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
UPDATE 6:45: As mentioned in our introduction below, there's been some drama amongst the leadership of the protests in regards to who should be in charge. Tonight's first speaker referenced the controversy.
The first speaker begins. They seem to reference some self-proaclaimed protest leaders who met with police today that other organizers have dismissed — “that individual is not a part of our community.” pic.twitter.com/fcshNG3UKz
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
“I want everyone to stay safe," the speaker continued. "This protest is a 100 percent peaceful protest. We’re not here for violence... we’re here to show the world we can be better than those who do incite violence.”
If the past two nights have been any indication, the crowds have been increasingly vigilant in policing the very few agitators among their ranks. In my reporting on the street, I've personally witnessed many immediate smack-downs applied to anyone trying to throw anything at the cops, or causing any sort of unwanted commotion. Hopefully this trend continues.
One thing Blair neglected to mention... THERE'S A LLAMA THERE? (But... of course there is, right?)
Checking in from Revolution Hall, where for a fifth night Portland has shown up to protest police injustice and violence toward people of color. Also: the required llama. pic.twitter.com/0zAwz8MU04
— Dirk VanderHart (@dirquez) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile, our Alex Zielinski is on the scene in Pioneer Square:
Okay, here for your downtown Portland report. Probably a thousand folks in Pioneer Square. Everyone’s listening to the guy with the big truck + trailer ( from last night ) again. Not sure what this guys story is. pic.twitter.com/80LfJij3EB
— Alex Zielinski (@alex_zee) June 3, 2020
Two significant demonstration events happening right now: one at SE Stark and 13th and one in Pioneer Courthouse Sq. It's a beautiful evening and we are pleased all those who came out are able to express their First Amendment rights. We appreciate you doing so peacefully.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 3, 2020
Note: This "Super Chill Dude" reaction from the police is also a fairly new development since Sunday. Prior to that the tone was very "Mean Dad."
UPDATE 6:30 PM: At Stark and 13th, the crowd has multiplied into the thousands.
Everyone is moving to the rev hall park now. Hard to capture just how many people are here—it’s huge. pic.twitter.com/bIyuMAXgGW
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
Meanwhile downtown in Pioneer Square, the crowd is growing ever bigger—and look at this! The 'burbs are showing up!
“Black lives matter!” A group of neighbors from Cedar Mill show their support for George Floyd at NW Cornell & Murray. Many groups from suburbs and small towns are joining the movement to end systemic racism. pic.twitter.com/BmvMHTOA0z
— Katherine Cook (@KCookKGW) June 3, 2020
This is gonna be a big night folks.
UPDATE 6:15 PM: Our Blair Stenvick is on the scene at Revolution Hall (SE 13th & Stark) for the kickoff of today's rally against police brutality and to honor the memory of George Floyd. According to the Urban League of PDX, this event will be a "Black led, Black organized march, with words from Black community leaders, such as Kayse Jama, the executive director of Unite Oregon. Refreshments includes Blair's "second-favorite flavor of Polar Seltzer."
The crowd here is starting to grow at se and stark. The rally begins at 6, with speeches from local Black leaders include @kaysejama. I’ve heard the plan after that is to march over the Burnside Bridge again, like last night. pic.twitter.com/j9pgjw4lX0
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
A huge group of marchers have just rolled up into the scene.
Here they are pic.twitter.com/WeHmOfRgsu
— Blair Stenvick (@BlairStenvick) June 3, 2020
ORIGINAL POST, 6 PM: Tonight marks the fifth night of Portland protesting the death of George Floyd and other Black Americans who lost their lives to police brutality—a journey that's been a real emotional rollercoaster. You can catch up on all of our on-the-ground reporting with these links: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. And you'll find related protest content here.
HERE'S THE LATEST: While last night was the most peaceful of the week's protests that will be remembered for the thousands gathered in Pioneer Square and later taking a knee while taking the Burnside Bridge, around midnight 100 or so protesters clashed with cops downtown where water bottles were thrown, tear gas was dispersed, and arrests were made. Also in the periphery, cracks are beginning to show within the resistance movement where a disagreement over who should be leading has begun—which we're keeping an eye on.
The big difference? No curfew tonight, according to Mayor Ted Wheeler who seems to be coming around to the idea that heavy-handed tactics are producing the opposite effect to what he had been hoping. Tonight will probably show whether his newfound light touch will prevail.
Tonight's protest will start where last night's began: at the field next to Revolution Hall (13th & Stark) at 6 pm which organizers say will continue with a march to Pioneer Square. Where it goes from there, and what will happen remains to be seen—but the Mercury will be there, starting with our own Blair Stenvick who will follow the rally at Rev Hall, and our Alex Zielinski who's stationed at Pioneer Square. Follow 'em on Twitter for the moment-by-moment updates, and this post for an overview of the evening.
So saddle up, Portland! This is your protest liveblog for the evening, and as the marchers like to say, "STAY TIGHT. STAY TOGETHER."
Stay tuned for more.