I feel your pain. I was stealthily intoxicated and coerced into sexual situations by sneaky girls several times in my youth. Getting used like that made me feel so... dirty....
1. Yes, brains are still growing until adults are about 25, so until then, humans are essentially retarded, would you blame a mentally handicapped person if they got raped? 2. So many good points in this piece I don't know where to end. Thank you for sharing these truths and I'm sorry this planet is such a sad, dangerous and apathetic place. Maybe someday... Maybe someday...
Against SELFISH AND Greedy Dictate GOVERMENT!
We need Food and Warm Clothes!
Help us! Our power going low!
1 donate is more important then 1000 words, blogs or topics. JUST DO IT!
It must be hard work to invent another thing that "just happened" to you every week to write about.
Wow.. That sure is some comedy there.
"For my next joke please listen to me explain how common and normal sexual assault is."