Sydney Brownstone

Republican senators and house members met this week in closed door sessions in Philadelphia to discuss their responses to Trump's insistence the ACA (or as it's more popularly known, Obamacare) gets repealed in a hurried fashion—even though it's abundantly clear that the administration has no real plan for replacing it. And according to a secret recording that was taken during the meeting (which has been confirmed as real) and sent anonymously to many news outlets, top GOP members are scared shitless about this plan. From the Washington Post:

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the [insurance] market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”
And Rep. John Faso (R-N.Y.), a freshman congressman from the Hudson Valley, warned strongly against using the repeal of the ACA to also defund Planned Parenthood. “We are just walking into a gigantic political trap if we go down this path of sticking Planned Parenthood in the health insurance bill,” he said. “If you want to do it somewhere else, I have no problem, but I think we are creating a political minefield for ourselves — House and Senate.”

As I mentioned yesterday, the latest results from Public Policy Polling show that a strong majority of Americans are in favor of keeping Obamacare and making it better. So yeah... the GOP is in for an ass-load of trouble (and actually, they are already) if they decide to go along with Trump.

From Public Policy Pollings survey of American voters.
From Public Policy Polling's survey of American voters.

Also and of possible great importance to you and anyone you know who is uninsured, from this same article:

On Thursday, the White House ordered federal health officials to immediately halt all advertising and other outreach activities for the critical final days in which Americans can sign up for 2017 health coverage through Affordable Care Act marketplaces.

Spread the word that you have until January 31 to sign up for the ACA which will cover you through 2017—despite anything the Trump administration may say or do.

Read the rest of this illuminating article here.