
Not every atheist is literally a murderer YET
God is not dead, but if we keep letting Obama Hussein McSocialist run things, God's meds will become too expensive for even HIM to afford; eventually he'll die while waiting in line for generic knock-offs because all the poor/lazy/atheistic/entitled/smelly unAmericans continually refuse hold his place in line every time he has to go piss (God had been incontinent since the late 80s).

Vote Republican or Tea Party, or else God's blood (and urine) will be on your hands!
Stupid Christians: God's not dead because it never lived in the first place.
I received one of those ridiculous texts. I'm guessing it's not so much helping the cause of spreading the word of God than clever viral marketing for the film, because I never would have heard of the thing had I not received that weirdly oblique message.
Not every atheist will break up with his girlfriend because she got cancer. Only Newt Gingrich does that.
Yes the movie isn't perfect. It doesn't have to be that's not the case here. 1) the rental car: they are saying "everything happens for a reason and it may not go the way you want it too"
Who cares that they are not on Facebook? The guy that broke up with his girlfriend because of cancer. Yeah that didn't happen. If you would have paid attention you would have know that he used her. He didn't care about her. He didn't want to be there for her. Nobody wants to watch a movie where they really show a philosophy class. They want the movie to be 2 or 3 hours not 5. I paid to see a movie not a college class. They are telling what happens with a strict professor not someme who doesn't believe off the street. This is a concrt in a movie. If you have ever been to a Newsboys concert you can talk during part of it. They are making the movie GOOD. I wouldn't want a movie to show something where nothing happens. You don't know ever non believer out there. They could be going through something like that. This movie could help a lot of people go through what they are faced with. As Christians you want to tell the gospel the holy truth some people have trouble starting a conversation. Watching this movie and texting that can be the perfect reason to share it. I believe in God. Yes this movie wasn't perfect but nothing ever is. I'm glad that a Christian movie came out instead of another movie that doesn't help people in life.
This is a pathetic list. Seriously I could name of hundreds of secular films that fall under your poor choice of examples. Perhaps there is more behind your attacks on the film. Hmmm.......

FYI: it never said that all atheists are murderers. But truth is anyone who hates another man has murder in his heart. Matthew chapter 5.
Someone's God help me...I'm so confused.

Are most of the dislikes adorning my previous comment from lefty atheists who think i'm a Tea Party-touting Christian who is genuinely upset that God's bladder problem isn't being helped by Obamacare? Or are they from right-winger Christians upset that i brought up God's incontinence in the first place, because it's "blasphemy", or something?

I dislike all of you, too. Eff you guys. The feeling's mutual, buttholes.

All i'm saying is that it wouldn't take much effort for Obama to make an amendment to the ACA that allows for deities' urine-holding issues to be covered under even the most basic of insurance plans. Why should anyone in this country, in 20freaking14, have to live with such a condition without adequate medical care, let alone a divine being??

I just want to be liked. And respected. But, no -- it's not happening, because Obama's too busy helping the uninsured (non-deities) to care; and God certainly can't help me, because he's too busy pissing his pants (robe?)...because of Obama's incompetence. FML!
It is difficult to relay a complicated message in a two hour movie. You can not develop every argument so you do little exaggerated skits to make your points. I believe that God is the ultimate source of love and that it was his love that created this universe. He created it with the "original sin" of entropy, the tendency of everything to move from order to disorder over time. So the real battle is love versus entropy. You do not need rituals, books, formulas or experts to join this battle. Love enough and you will emerge on the next level of evolution in Heaven with the source of all love. Love unites/entropy divides.
1.) Harry Potter has magic. Not a real life thing. They try to sneak that past you.
2.) High School Musical burst into music every five minutes. Not a real life thing if you pay attention.
3.) Twilight has vampires. Not a real life thing. Shocker.
So could you shut up with your stupid list. Its a movie trying to send out a good message. Maybe you should watch it again and pay closer attention to the message.
1. God isn't real.

Carry on.
It is difficult for one to understand what this movie is about, Explain to me what life is all about, look around and understand that everything here in this planet is made for us. We exist ,we live ,we could of been lifeless rocks but aint do you want proof that God exist .You are the proof. Now prove to me he doesn't...
Man, that is some self-centered yammering right there ^

Prove to me something doesn't exist. Nice.
All of you need to stop worrying if there is or isn't a God...personally I think it's an irrelevant debate. We are intellectual beings that make choices everyday, we are the creators of our lives and sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't, that's life. Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what make life meaningful. If there is a God he is not involved in your everyday choices, those are in your control. Read the bible if you want if you need it but remember God and Jesus did not write that, people did...look at religion through history, gain some perspective. Find peace in questioning the meaning of life and the things that happen and find the positive. I really like this quote from the movie Kingdom of Heaven and want to share it, take it or leave it.

Hospitaller: I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What god desires is here
[points to head]
Hospitaller: and here
[points to heart]
Hospitaller: and what you decide to do every day, you will be a good man - or not.
I am a Christian . I have to take several science classes in college to obtain my degree- now the academic world pushes evolution-although it's just a theory. My point is this..I don't mind nor am I intimidated by what my professors say or believe, it's their free will. Now what I don't appreciate is someone who has never read or studied the Bible to throw out accusations-it makes you look ignorant. Just like I would be unable to debate the subject of evolution if I wasn't knowledgable about it. Case in point-have your opinion, your entitled to that- be but educated in what your opinion is about-read the Bible, find your problems with it, ask questions and then come up with your argument. If you don't-you just look ignorant!!!
So you are saying that we have a stereotype about atheists when you are calling Christians stupid?I am not trying to be mean or anything, but do atheists really believe that there was a random big bang and everything was made? How do you explain the big bang then? I have an answer to how humanity was made. It's called the bible. BTW this is a twelve year old. It is sad that I know more truth than some adults...

When you actually give a good movie review to a Christian movie let me know

God's Not Dead: 5 out of 5 stars
I have a question to all you people out there that say god is dead or that you hate god, how can you hate someone or say someone is dead of you think he never existed? Haha
Alright, you guys. What crazy website linked to this post? Fess up. You're all new here and clearly didn't read my post. Who told you what to think today?
I told myself. God gave me free will
I am a Christian and I thought the movie was well done however I do wish all of the atheists were not depicted as shallow and self-serving. given that fact i can certainly understand how this film would offend more atheists than win them over. I think the purpose of the film is to boost the faith of fellow Christians AND to possibly win over the fence sitters. On that mark I give the film an A+. God IS real and he lives in me. I pray that he lives in you too.
Hi Alex. I don't usually read comments, let alone post them, but as they're now longer than the piece itself: 1. I found your article funny. & 2. I found episode 236 even funnier, and somehow irreverently reverent. Thanks for that. That's my comment, I'm out: back to the ad hominems.
Looks like a lot of people have bad taste in both movies and religion.
Most of the reviews in IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes cited that the characters were stereotyped. The atheist professor was almost an exact replica of a professor my friend had in sociology. She actually told me this story about this professor well before this movie came out. This professor at the time convinced her that Christians were fools and believing lies and that soon they would all know the truth and run and hide from the faith they once professed. That hasn't happened. The professed atheists I know are antagonistic to those who believe in God or God himself.

Second, the Muslim father is stereotyped? Probably, just as every single character ever written and acted in a factionalized story. They are all types. Actors playing a role. However, the scene was so real to my friend that she had trouble because she saw her father in that character. And this I know first hand because I was there when her parents threw her out. I saw her father's pain and anger in a very similar scene to the one in the movie. So close to that scene.

Maybe the stories seemed obvious and cliché, stereotyped, well I am not sure what you expect to see when you got to a movie. Hollywood has better? There is nothing new under the sun. It is either a comedy or a tragedy. Movies aren't real, but God is. No one has to believe in God, His existence isn't not determined by anyone's belief if in him.

Let's talk reality, Captain America. I find that he doesn't really display true patriotism. It seems unrealistic and a little over the top. True superheroes aren't so normal looking. Look at that hair, far to coiffed.
Same as Stephanie, my friend is Muslim and had talked to his dad about Christians. Now my point is that not all Muslims like the one in the movie are that harsh but. My friend was grounded for the rest of the year and wasn't allowed to talk to Amy Christians for a month. In the bible it says that god "died" on the cross. That is not completely true. A heavenly being (Jesus) cannot truly die. He still is living in our own soul.
I'm so damn nice I make Christ say "Praise Ice!"
What is that supposed to mean? ^
The 12 year old - Sorry your friend had to go through that. I talk with people in countries where they could lose their head or hands if they profess faith in Jesus. According to a secular study done in Frankfurt, Germany 80% of all persecutions happening currently in the world are against Christians. This study also stated that historically Christians are the most persecuted group in the world.

Mind you this isn't a study done by a Christian group. It's in Germany no less.
I have only talked to one person like that. She went to a mission trip in turkey and we had to emergency evac her because the government figured out and was about to throw her in jail for life

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