LOOK, I SHOULDN'T even be showing you this column, because I'm pretty sure I'm breaking hella frigging non-disclosure agreements, but you're special to me and I like that you're out there living your own life and taking chances on shoes you wouldn't normally buy—but look at you, pulling them off. I shouldn't share this with you, but I'm gonna: I went to
Banksy's new pop-up art installation, Dismaland, a demented theme park, and honestly, I was blown away. I remain blown away. Like... I was just
blown away. I mean... I was blown away. I can't even, like... I was blown
away, you guys.
It was truly a scathing takedown of capitalism and celebrity culture and politics, and I thought I'd list some of my favorite pieces from the exhibit:
• A painting of underage sweatshop workers making endless pairs of pants for Donald Duck—but Donald Duck refuses to wear them.
• A child's Disney Princesses autograph book, where the first few pages are actual Disney characters, but then it's just 2,000 pages of prisoners from Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
• A Mickey Mouse statue, but get this... it's frowning. At capitalism.