
Let's not forget Star Bar and White Drug Social Club
Calling someone a bitch and then asking for respect, good plan.
Oh geezus, chill the fuck out and stop worrying about what other folks wear, DAMN!!! If you're THIS goddamn sensitive about fashion, you should probably stay out of used clothing stores on Hawthorne as well.
Buying Navajo patterns is racist? Okie dokie!
They do this in Portland, too? That's messed up.
Actually, seems pretty valid to me. Haters gonna hate.
How is a white person wearing a headdress racist or "cultural misappropriation", you biggot?

Your intolerance is absurd, ironic and idiotic, you asshole. If the "tribes" are having so many problems, isn't it a good sign that us "East End" girls wearing it, appreciating it, buying it, asking for it, loving it - a sign of progression?

Not all white girls shop at the GAP or Old Navy.
Let fashion contribute to peace, not use it to keep the lines clearly defined.
So when someone walks into your house, says everything inside and out is theirs, coughs in your families face, watches them die from the flu, then puts on your fathers ceremonial hat so they can wear it to workโ€ฆyou'd agree that YOU'RE the racist douchebag, right? Oops, your bad!

Thanks for flu, dawg!
Thanks for the tobacco and syphilis, G.
Okay, Anon, you win...we'll just call them "Southwestern-style geometric patterns" from now on and never mention anything about the Navajos ever again... On the other hand if you want to get worked up about racist appropriations of Native American culture--have you ever seen the Cleveland Indians logo?
Yes Deezus, that's a great argument. "But the Cleveland Indians logo is worse!" Also, changing the name is not what I,A wants.

Here's a nice primer on the headdress issue for Hayley:โ€ฆ
Well that link didn't work. Whoops. Womp womp.
Lol, they're just "appreciating" and "honoring" your culture. No, it's not a sign of progression as you call it Hayley. It's just another fad in the cultural imperialism of the United States. Not to mention, the "headdresses" also known as war bonnets, are sacred items to many Native tribes. So yeah, it is offensive to see white person wearing one.
Did you earn that war bonnet? No. You bought it. For a party.
I don't see anywhere in the IA where this shop is selling actual Navajo headdresses, but from what Anon overheard is probably standard clothing featuring the geometric patterns associated with the indigenous southwest culture.

There's just not enough information to get someone's moccasins in a twist.
What TheOnlySanePersonInThe World said.
Was the employee happy as she said that? Was it simply an indifferent observation? If she was angry about the increase in Navajo patterns, then the anger imbedded in this rant might be a little more understandable.

The very next comment she made could have been "Because Pendleton Woolen Mills was sooo 2010."
i fucking HATE racist fabric.
What the do headdresses have to do with anything? I am out of the fashion loop but when does someone walk around in a headdress??

I am completely missing some link between "patterns and prints" being "headdresses". I like the patterns and prints, having spent some pretty pennies on rugs visiting the Nation myself...the kind of thing that would not sell on Hawthorne (price, actual utility).

Also, what Mecklem said. IA, you're calling someone a "bitch" (so 90's!) and then saying "respect us". Are you sure a lot of people in the "us" column wouldnt be embarrassed by you?
Anyone remember the episode of Saved By The Bell when Zach honored his Indian ancestors by donning magic marker war paint? Then he went and won a track meet or something
Oh man, I'm white and this Haley chick is making me cringe.
Holy crap, Haley. Really? If the tribes have problems? IF? With "tribes" in quotation marks as if you think they're mythical?

I've trolled pretty hard on some other trolls in here, but in this case I simply have to suggest that you get away from the merc and do some research. Come back when you understand why we're embarrassed for you.

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