I guess I’m definitely mad that is happening and that it’s been happening for so long now, but the people on the other side of this confuse me so much, I’m basically helpless because I just don’t understand it. I don’t think you could ever convince me to be excited and enthusiastic at what we been seeing for more than a decade now. I look at all this shit and I still think I’m looking at a cartoon. Its just some dick tracy villain speaking with a weird accent petting a cat while looking at a bunch of tvs stacked in pile. I’m not saying we deserve this. No one does. Not even the people who are doing it to themselves. But it does seem like a low bar to not be able to defend against. Just everyday over here thinking how the fuck are losing against something so stupid

I'm seeing missing cat posters all over SE Portland and Milwaukie. I hate to break it to the people missing their feline companions, but they were probably eaten by coyotes. This area is surprisingly full of them, yes in the inner city. And they specifically hunt cats. If you want to keep your cat alive, keep it inside.

I guess it’d be easier if I didn’t care that my kids will barely talk to me. If I slept all day and played videos games while my wife did all the work. I could have taken that route. She definitely makes enough. I didn’t have to get this wake up before one and destroy your body job. I definitely didn’t have to start school at the same time. Looking forward for to a measly week off, where I spend most the week recovering from work and the rest of it being ignored. Feel like I went to Disney with myself. Barely more than a chaperone. Less physically drained because I got to sleep in but more emotionally drained. I think I might have a chance of a relationship with them when they’re older, but it just feels like so much wasted time. I don’t feel like I am the kind of person I’d like to be. Between my own communication flaws, the shit have been through that taught me to be a little more cautious and cynical, too much fucking work, and all their personal obstacles, it just feels like a lose-lose situation on all parts. That’s the trick though. Keep pushing well beyond any belief that things will work out. That’s what got me here. And I shouldn’t be here. Never thought I’d get this far.

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Just because I logged through a public computer all hell breaks loose? I have to reset my password? Really? Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. And then when I log in, I can't change it back because I 'used it too recently'? Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I see a lot of posts about recent events with the same refrains: “Is this real?” “How is this allowed?” “Why isn’t anyone talking about this?” “What are we supposed to do?” It’s time to move past that. Something is very wrong. This is a fact. We must shift from shock to understanding. Yes, this is difficult to process. But we cannot stay frozen in disbelief. It’s time to act. Step up. Reverse any exclusions and exilations you’ve instigated or participated in. Help others do the same. This is a time to come together, to protect those in vulnerable situations. Yes, this feels unreal. But it is real. This is not the time for cosplay activism or self-serving performances. Look around. What resources do you have? What can you leverage to help others? Can you host someone who needs to be where you are? Can you help someone travel for the cause? Can you make food for the hungry? Can you reach out and repair old wounds? Can you take small, quiet steps to strengthen and empower those around you? Can you make a simple phone call? This moment calls for responsibility, not performance. For action, not just words. For community, not isolation. We move forward together. Let's get some things done. Lead on. P.S. Social Media is not your ally.

I saw a pundit use this phrase: “right-wing DEI”. It wasn’t entirely clear what they meant, but the intent seemed to be to highlight fascist nepotism. It stuck in my head because it was so nonsensical. Why are fascists opposed to diversity, equity, and inclusion? Is it because they have some secret alternate theory of diversity? Of course not. It’s because they’re segregationists.

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Yours were the sweetest Valentine everyone in the matinee for the shorts could have asked for. Thanks for shedding the shoes to share it with us all.

God, it's hard to take in the awfulness and dread of daily headlines in the new Tesla-enhanced Trumpville! But, yet, I see glimpses of a better America at times. This week's (2/13) Multnomah County Democrats' meeting was more worthwhile than many in the past. Three meaty resolutions passed easily. One was a policy statement for Congress that called for no new arms to Israel, as the human rights violations of its Gaza onslaught are contrary to U.S. and international law. Two other resolutions were Oregon-centered preemptive protections against the Trump agenda. The first focused on our right to environmental safety, with the aim to embed this in the Oregon constitution, by support for Oregon Senate Joint Resolution 28, as well as a referendum coming to voters in 2026. The second Oregon-centered resolution concerned the initiative drive entitled "Equal Rights for All" (or IP 33). Wow, this proposal works to ensure the right to same-gender marriage, reproductive freedom, and transgender health care in our state! Two other phenom this week brightened my day: the Mercury's reporting on the new 50501 protest movement and the video of Jon Batiste singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl. Yes, the anthem is a war song (and “bombs bursting” makes me think of Gaza), but Batiste chose to carefully repeat the line of "the land of the free" three times, and his talent reminds us of what a more DEI-friendly America can be. Hmm, 50501 President's Day events in Portland (noon, City Hall, https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/754767/) and Salem.

There was a time when our paths ran side by side, when love, however brief or lasting, was something we shared. That time was real, and it mattered. Love always does. If life has taught me anything, it is that love comes in many forms, and it never truly leaves us. It changes, softens, deepens, and sometimes drifts into memory, but it remains part of who we are. I hope that wherever life has taken you, love finds you in ways both familiar and unexpected. That you welcome it with an open heart, whether it arrives gently or all at once, and that it fills your days with warmth and wonder. There are no hard feelings, only gratitude for what was, for what we learned, and for the moments that shaped us. We were meant to be part of each other’s stories, if only for a chapter. And what a gift that is. May love continue to surprise you. May it remind you of all the ways you are capable of giving and receiving it. And may you always find what you need, even in the places you least expect.

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The system is corrupt. It does not reward talent, hard work, or ability but preserves privilege through connections and relationships. This is why so many capable people like you are left out. It is not your fault; it is the failure of a system designed to keep certain people on top while others are ignored. The real tragedy is the false narrative that success is earned by merit alone. In reality, it is a cult of institutionalization, an indoctrination into the belief that only those who fit a specific mold have value. This protects power, shutting out those who do not conform to the predetermined path. Those who refuse to participate in corrupt and harmful dynamics often face blacklisting, a quiet but deliberate punishment meant to erase them from opportunity. Exploitation is another pillar of this broken system. It thrives on undervaluing labor, demanding endless proof of worth while compensating as little as possible. People are expected to sacrifice time, energy, and dignity just to secure stability, while those with privilege bypass these struggles entirely. The system is not failing; it is working exactly as intended, keeping wealth and opportunity concentrated in the hands of the few. This is not just a personal struggle, it is a structural injustice. Privilege determines who gets ahead, not skill or effort. Those with access are handed opportunities based on "loyalties" and who they know, not competence or integrity. But let’s be clear: just because this system is not built for you does not mean you are not enough. You are. This corrupt structure may stand in your way now, but it will not stop you forever. The right opportunity will come, and when it does, you will show them exactly what they have been missing.

Demonstrations and marches are important and have their place. They signal urgency, solidarity, and demand attention. But if the goal is real change, relying solely on them while expecting different results isn’t strategy; it’s ritual. True power isn’t just in being seen. It’s in being embedded. Sustainable change comes from interwoven, real-world connections, built neighborhood by neighborhood, relationship by relationship._ Start coordinating check-ins in your neighborhood, on your apartment floor, in your building. Especially among those experiencing economic hardship or houselessness—not as an aggressive action, but as a way to strengthen community. Do you have a neighbor who likes to make soup? Do you have another neighbor who needs soup? Someone who bakes bread, and someone who loves bread? Let’s help each other make warm connections._ We have allies everywhere. We need to give them the opportunity to do their important work in very difficult environments. There is a time to push, and there is a time to pull. We have brothers and sisters stuck behind different colored lines of varying thickness who need intelligent and empathetic help in building conversations and connections with individuals and families who have been discarded by others and become overly indoctrinated among fascist ideologies._ Let’s help everyone.

The smoking of cigarettes serves as a strong indicator of a person’s susceptibility to manipulation, both psychological and societal. At its core, smoking is a behavior that persists despite overwhelming evidence of its harm. It represents an individual’s willingness to accept a harmful artificial desire, one planted and nurtured by external forces, particularly through marketing, social pressure, and conditioning. Cigarette companies have long mastered the art of psychological manipulation, crafting messages that associate smoking with rebellion, sophistication, or stress relief. Yet, none of these associations hold up under scrutiny. The smoker is not free but chemically dependent, not sophisticated but trapped in a cycle that benefits corporations at their expense. Social pressure reinforces this conditioning, especially in younger years when fitting in, mirroring authority figures, or rebelling in predictable ways makes smoking feel like a choice rather than an orchestrated pull. The fact that so many pick up the habit despite its obvious consequences speaks to how external forces shape human behavior. Beyond corporate influence, the act of continuing to smoke despite personal experience with its consequences, be it financial burden, declining health, or social stigma, reveals a level of cognitive dissonance. This willingness to ignore, rationalize, or justify harmful behavior suggests a mind that can be led, persuaded, or deceived even against its own best interest. However, those who break free from addiction(s) may find themselves with the skills and empowerment to release themselves other forms of manipulation. Overcoming one deeply ingrained dependency builds the strength to recognize and reject other chains, whether social, political, or psychological. The same clarity that allows one to see through the illusion of smoking often extends to a broader understanding of how control is exerted in more insidious ways.

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

You’ve messed up. And I’m talking about mistakes that reach way beyond your little world—things that are being felt on levels you probably don’t even understand. Trust me, there are forces out there—spirits, energies, angels, demons, whatever you want to call them—that have noticed. They see what you’ve done, and some of them are itching to step in and show you exactly what happens when things get out of balance. But here’s the thing—you’re not beyond hope. I can still see the good in you, even if you’ve made some serious missteps. I’ve got faith that you can turn things around. But you need to get your act together, and fast. There are energies at work here that will not wait forever. Not all of them are about teaching lessons with grace and kindness. Some of them can be... well, rough. And no one wants that. I'm doing my best to argue that you can change. That you can be better than this. But I’m telling you now—if you don’t do something, if you don’t make the changes you need to make, the lesson won’t be one you’ll enjoy. And when those energies come knocking, it won’t be the kind of knock you’re hoping for. So, here’s your chance. Clean up your act. Make things right. Not because you’re going to get a reward—but because you still can. It’s not too late, but it’s getting close. If you need help please ask. /// TLDR: Immediately apologise and make amends etc. or face consequences beyond your imagination. P.S. The Shadow Knows.

I love you all very much. We're going to make it. (respectful and consenting) Hugs all around for everyone!