Everything as Fuck Jul 9, 2014 at 4:00 pm

FedEx Kinko's


Aren't they just called "FedEx Office" now? With "Kinko's inside"? (And if you've ever had Kinko's inside, it can be pretty painful, especially right before bedtime.)
"Sensitive Hedonism Capital of Charmingly Naive Forward-Thinking Idealism". I'm stealing that. Sorry bud.
Of course, "Kinko's inside" also brings to mind clown anal (or, as it's called in Spanish, payasodomía).
FedEx treats workers poorly. Find a UPS store or better a local coffee or brewery... #portlandisauniontown
"I mean, Jesus and the Christs"

Portland misses you more Karmel, don't let anyone who hasn't been in conversation (even briefly) tell you any different. Kinko's is the nother library, who knew?
I would've liked to have been a fly on the wall when you called the airline and said "That early morning flight? Why didn't someone tell me it was SO EARLY IN THE MORNING?"

Actually, I'd just like to be a fly on the wall. Because then I could fly. And walk on walls.
Anyway, Ian, you should get the Bolt Bus up to Seattle and then sneak aboard a container ship heading south. Get off at the Port of Long Beach and ask for Mickey Elbows. He can have someone run you home (in return for carrying a small package to Sherman Oaks).
Todd? you finished?

Let me know so i can take my shot at people who patronize that copyshop-within-the-delivery-center-owned-by-megalomaniacal-dystopia-profiteers.
^^ One simply puts a bird on it.
Yes, I'm finished.

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