Greetings, potential Blogtown investors. Unlike my previous friends-helping-friends financial scheme or my blatant Amway product placement ("Tonight the Blazers' defense is as effective as Amway's Legacy of Clean™ Dishwasher Detergent"), I have a real can't-miss investment opportunity for you all: Let's buy the Sternwheeler River Boat!
Holy crap, it's a downright steal at only $160k. No longer will us citizens of Blogtown have to be a part of the corrupt United States government with its socialist Kenyan president and unjust taxation of the common man. We'll be free to float in the international waters of the Willamette River, unfettered by dry land's pesky "regulations" and "laws." From plural marriage to Pai Gow, everything will be legal on the S.S. Blogtown (note to self: you should confirm this before buying the boat).
All Blogtown citizens who contribute $1000 will get a piece of this fine sea vessel, so let's fire up the Kickstarter and start funding this can't-miss investment.