
It seems kind of unreasonable to just let anyone break a contract by claiming they were abused by the other party to the contract. The Hollywood Reporter article is far more balanced than what you printed here and includes facts like that the producer has offered to let her record without his direct involvement and that he has invested 60 million dollars in her career.
This is a terrible headline and a terrible article. The judge did not rule that the producer is abusive. What the judge ruled is that Kesha has not produced enough evidence before there has even been a trial to determine that Dr. Luke is in fact abusive and that his abuse justifies breaking the contract, again, before there has been a trial. It still might be true, but getting a preliminary injunction (which is what the judge denied) is really hard for anyone. Kesha is free to continue to try her case. Sloppy, Merc. Just sloppy.
Econoline + booyah, fucking idiots - an abuser would do something like invest 60 mil to make their victim feel indebted to them, to keep their control over them. And she wouldn't want another producer because they wouldn't promote her music as heavily as they would with "dr luke", their biggest money maker. And of course there's not going to be enough fucking "evidence" - in a case like this? she was 18, raped by her producer! She probably didn't report it because she probably thought people wouldn't believe her - people like you.
I never said I didn't believe her, I said that if any person can break a multimillion dollar contract simply by accusing someone of abusive behavior without allowing the other parties to the contract a day in court that it would be chaos. This was simply a preliminary hearing in which the judge refused to break her contract with Sony because she has accused but not proven abusive behavior by a coworker. Sony has made reasonable accomodations by allowing her to meet her contractual obligations without working with this producer, but you can't expect her to be able to just walk on her contractual obligations to Sony before the case is heard in court.
"Sloppy Merc"

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