Back when The Merc was printing their "I Saw You"s in the back of this rag, I would go out dancing alone a lot. I'd get high & go out to the Holocene or Rotture & cut a rug by my lonesome: Hole in My Soul, Snap!, Gaycation, I'd be out dancing. It was Halloween & I was dressed as a crow. Started at Holocene & noticed I was being noticed by this Flamingo & Parrot & some guy. I soon realized their third was a Bird-Watcher, so I joined them & commented on our avian connection. Dancing ensued, but I left without further conversation. Went to some house shows, hit up Potato Champion, went home. The following week, there is a printed "I Saw You" for A Crow, not The Crow. We end up meeting up, making pie, having friends in common. We dated for like 9 months before she ran off to Mexico, but what're gonna doing when you're dating a Parrot?