I, Anonymous Mar 26, 2009 at 4:00 am

For Clarification


What's First Thursday?
While you are probably spot on in your descriptions and I agree with your loathing of these creatures.... this is kind of like working as a stripper and complaining that customers comment on your ass or look at your boobs.
Nah, I think it needs sayin'. The Pearl is an abomination.
And the shit show has spread to Alberta in the form of "Last Thursday" as well. Unimaginative idiots need to be told where "the party" is, and they will flock there in droves, ensuring that anyone with an ounce of originality or a normal attention span will clear out as fast as they possibly can.

I always realize it's Last Thursday because there is suddenly no parking on my block, and then adolescents yelling "woo woo" late into the night. Woo woo.
"Unimaginative idiots need to be told where 'the party' is, and they will flock there in droves"
Contrast that with SXSW, please.
God, you people will bitch and moan about anything and everything. Portland has become polluted with weak sucks who can't deal with people. You people that bitch about serving some idiot are the same person that gets called and idiot when you send back your latte cause its too hot.

I'm sooo over all you god damn hipsters killing this once great town. Got off your bike, loosen up your jeans and take a shower. Or better yet, just leave.
Good fucking lord I don't miss working in the Pearl. Every time I stepped outside the office I felt like punching someone in the face. Oh wait-- I felt like that inside the office, too.

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