Spring Is Coming
Prepare with the Mercury's Essential Guide to Arts and Culture
A Remarkable Journey Rewrites the Classical Music Canon
Portland Chamber Music's Anya Kalina on the Importance of African American Women Composers
Sallie Tisdale's Antidote to Clickbait
Violation Finds the Art in Artlessness
Walidah Imarisha’s North Star
Angels with Dirty Faces Takes on the Prison Industrial Complex
Vision Quest's Adult Funnies
Did You Know Portland Has a Free Comics Newspaper?
Samantha Wall Makes the Invisible Visible
The Contemporary Northwest Art Award Winner's Larger-Than-Life Drawings Explore Multiracial Identity
The Improbable Ascension of Noel Fielding
The Comedian of Mighty Boosh Renown Crosses the Pond
From Conduit to White Bird, Portland Dance Goes Back on Pointe
After a Year of Challenges, Portland Dance Companies Rally for Spring
The Narrow Door, Left Open
Paul Lisicky's Love Letter to a Friend
WINTER IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST often feels like a punishment for getting to live in one of the best places in the world for arts and culture, because nothing thins out crowds at theaters and art galleries like the permacloud. Plans are flaked on. Entertainment is streamed. But like your cool denim jacket waiting patiently in the closet while you dutifully don your raincoat each morning and trudge out into the world like the goddamn adult you are, the city's finest comedy, literature, visual art, theater, and dance don't go away just because the sun does. The coming months promise wackadoodle comedy from British stand-up Noel Fielding, a concert spotlighting classical compositions from women of color, Paul Lisicky's remix of memoir into an ode to friendship, visual artist Samantha Wall's consideration of multiracial identity, a funnies page for grownups, activist/writer Walidah Imarisha's deep dive into the prison industrial complex, and more. It's time to bid your sad winter hobbit hole adieu, and step into the light of spring's glorious arts and culture offerings.
More Spring Arts Articles:
A Remarkable Journey Rewrites the Classical Music Canon
Sallie Tisdale's Antidote to Clickbait
Samantha Wall Makes the Invisible Visible
The Improbable Ascension of Noel Fielding
From Conduit to White Bird, Portland Dance Goes Back on Pointe