
And I naturally think that Paul Constant wants to be a fucking useless waste of carbon and oxygen. Which one of us is right?
Gavin mentions "study after study" but doesn't cite his sources - at least in the excerpt you posted. Do you have any to offer, Paul? If not...what exactly is the point of this article?
"Dickhead is dickhead."

Paul Constant and Barbara Holmes' motto: "All the Easy Self-Righteousness That's Fit to Insufferably Declaim."
"someone to be safely ignored"

so, you guys can smell your own.
What a douche. Much like your loyal commenters.
Well work in general, does suck and very few people will be CEOs. He could have said "Generation Y" and made a similar, less controversial point.
Working in an office is making me less happy and pulling me away from what I want naturally want to do as well, and that's sit on my ass at home and make semi-witty comments on news sites while eating a bucket of Popeye's Fried Chicken.
Paul Constant does not exist.
Popeye's does NOT FUCKING COME IN BUCKETS! Fuck, that can mean two different fucking things, can't it? Fuck.
^^ dude who cares, it's all the same swine anyway
I notice it's generally those with extreme conservative, pro-conformist/traditional beliefs that are adamant about forcing others (usually forcing women) to adhere to their beliefs. If you really want to help some one be happier & more fulfilled, why would you try to it against their will & treat them with such hatred & contempt like Gavin did with the young lady he screamed obscenities at ?
As for those of you who agree with that hateful bully, fine, that's your own business. But don't you dare try to force others to conform. If you do, you are just as big a bully as he is.
i always read paul constant cuz i enjoy things that suck ass

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