
The vast majority of us are not Rapey McBitchslappers looking to violate your privates. If you want to tell someone to fuck off then do it, don't worry about being nice. You know, like the guy that offered to introduce you to the awesome music of one Marvin Gaye. Or Ice Prez.
Yep, like I always say; the only way is enforced separation of the sexes.
@1 you seem like a Nice Non Rapey Guy
I wasn't talking to you, lady. I was talking to your hat.
"would you speak or treat a man the way you just treated that woman."

Most of the time, yes. I like people.

I was grabbing takeout at a bar last night and offered up my stool to a group of three women arriving together. The one closest to me insisted it was ok, to which I replied that I was leaving soon anyway. We had a nice, brief chat, and then I said "have a good evening" and left. I didn't stare at her tits, I didn't fondle her, I didn't invite myself into their conversation. But you probably think I'm a horrible, sexist asshole. I still like people.
@6 would you have done the same for a dude?
Pretty bad when this type of thing is still happening in today's world. Of course this is Portland where street people think they have the right to pull you aside and engage you in conversation.
@3 Thanks, but I don't think that would matter, seeing as how even nice guys are a problem, according to her. Maybe they were no that nice. Maybe SHE is not that nice. Who knows? Who cares!
Oregometry, you offered your stool to a group of three women? That's disgusting.
It's hilarious how anonymous thinks her HAT has anything to do with this.

Either way, her letter reeks of pompous arrogance... until I remembered she was waiting at THE BUS STOP! lol trimet. You lost by default dove, buy a bike, drop the nasty cig habit and give up the manhater routine - it's so Brenda Walsh.
@Iceprez...pretty much man. Anon just sounds angry, period and while everyone has issues, there is this novel idea known as therapy..........
Ice prez MySpace Portland oregon
lol at the mens mocking the angry women. Go OP. These guys are douche turds
I agree wholeheartedly. I've had plenty of run-ins with the "friendly, nice" guy. For the most part, I'm polite(damn gender socialization), but there are times when I don't want to deal with random "nice" guys who feel the need to chat or ask rude questions. (especially when I'm reading/have headphones on). So when I do tell a guy to piss off, that's when he starts with the bitch/cunt/lesbian mantra. What a nice guy!
God, I'm such a misogynistic asshole. I hate myself so much. Just end it now. Tell my wife I love her....but not in any sort of creepy, hat-commenting, idle-small-talk-making way.
@6 Three women for one stool? Did you turn it upside down?
I agree wholeheartedly. I've had plenty of run-is with the "friendly,nice" guy. Fot the most part I'm polite even when the other person is not(damn gender socialization),but there are times when I don't want to deal with random "nice"guys who feel the need to chat or ask rude questions(especially when I'm reading/have headphones on). So when I do tell a guy to piss off, that's when he starts with the bitch/cunt/lesbian mantra. What a nice guy!
@17: Oh no you didn't
And P-Town slowly turns into Manhattan, except with dreads and PBR instead of Sax and Appletini's.
Wait, I think I know this I,A. She works at Women & Women First.
Posts like this make me fear being misconstrued and therefore make me second guess socializing with anyone in this city. This guy did cross personal boundaries though, but I like having pleasant/funny exchanges with people without having to be concerned about privilege I had no choice about being born with. That being said, I believe it is completely acceptable in this situation to tell this person to fuck off but I'm unsure if my line of reasoning is the same. I think I'll just stick to wearing headphones in public and keeping respectable distance from everyone outside of social situations thanks for driving the point home Anonymous.
Haha! Thanks Geo:

I like the tune "Pretty Girl" Ice Prez— you should rock it for girls at the bus stop.
But #22, anyone at any time risks being misconstrued. This is especially true in cases where there's a noteworthy number of people who are likely to view any awkward or even stupid interactions through a framework of humorless gender critique at all times.
Oh you poor, poor dear little girl. A victim of the world of men. My heart bleeds for you.
I have to find a hanky now.
@23- OK, that nearly made me piss myself. Good one
I'm pretty sure that EASILY 85-95% of guys are NOT "rapey McBitchslappy" misogynist monsters. So it really sucks to see most guys get categorized this way.

Maybe it would be better if guys in general just STOPPED APPROACHING WOMEN, period. We're all suppose to be equal, right? So how about if guys just kicked back, and women can initiate the first move? That should work, right?
@damosa so the feds let you come back huh
Ahhh.... it's good to be a man!
I will certainly approach any and all girls with a hat now, in the hopes it is this dummy.
And, being a man and all, it still better be OK with my wife. Or else.
Welcome back DamosA. Did you guys get your computers given back to you?
sorry, but this tune, the aforementioned before, should play in the Rat Fuck. I want new computers...
I'm a guy and when i wear a cool hat i get way more people talking to me too. it isn't because you are a woman. not to mention ITS FRIGGIN PORTLAND people are just like that hear. Usually its because they're rolling on X or doses. get used to it or move to a normal boring city. like NY
This woman is part of the 1%, and by that I mean the 1% of portland women who think that Portland men are too forward...
I like talking to people, men, women, kids. I've got this ring on my finger that means I'm not sexually interested in who I'm talking to (unless it's my wife) so if I'm not wearing gloves that's a clue. I know that some guys are dogs but .....ah, skip it. This is exactly why I like talking to women. Most guys are weirdos.
DamosA - totally. We'll just wait for women to let go of their privileged place of being the pursued and step up to the frickin' equality plate.

I went crazy for a few years when waiting for any woman at all to chat me up in public, make a move at a bar... for any friend of a friend to ask me out. Zero. It was a lonely, tough time in my life, and I built up a lot of anger and resentment towards the opposite sex then. Sounds like I,A has too.

Neither gender has it easy.
Fuck people, this is an obvious troll... 2/10 for getting responses.

Seriously--CUTE HAT???? CUTE HAT???? SERIOUSLY???

@econoline: werd
Yo, baby, you're all that!/Lemme hit it from the back/give that ass a slap/bust a nut on your cute hat
One of my favorite things about Portland is all the people who wear quirky "signature" hats and then act like you aren't supposed to be looking at it.

"Oh what this thing? I didn't think anyone would notice by fuzzy hat with giant teddy bear ears."

Luckily, I think the stupid hat trend is abating somewhat from a couple of years ago.

Look! She's wearing a Portland Timbers Cat-In-The-Hat hat! And that guy is wearing an Imperial Storm Trooper Helmet! Ha! She thinks she's Sherlock Holmes!

And thats just the people working in the deli at New Seasons. Which New Seasons, you ask? ALL OF THEM.
Wrong Blabby. Last night I saw 5 hipsters in crappy Fedoras and a girl with a faux deer head complete with antlers on her head. At a MAX stop. Dear God.
41 No shit dude!
God. Speaking of the "faux deer head" when will hipsters get over the current obsession/dead-horse-beating of all things woodsy and pastoral?

I don't want to see one more band photo of fey little boys standing in some stand of trees holding a shotgun or some crap.
But...but then what will we complain about?
Sooo, WHY do you people give soo much of a fuck about how other people decide to dress, anyways? Who the fuck cares what hat someone is wearing?

Trivial bullshit.
I agree, but if the hat was not important then why did she bring it up?

I wonder if anyone would say anything to me if I mounted moose antlers on my head and spent a Saturday afternoon walking down the narrowest sidewalk sections of Hawthorne with an unleashed dog, which, trust me!, is super-friendly and of no danger to anyone!

Why would it be so hard for you to just say; "I'm not interested."? It's only three measly words, then the guy can go do it to another women or man. Speak up, or that person will think their demeanor is fine, that everything is A-okay! Have some lady bawls will ya! Sheesh, so tired of lil girls disguised as women.
It just happens that a Occupy Portland guy covered up his puke with a WW with a cover story being about Occupy? I'm not buying it. And why take a picture of his vomit, that's disgusting!
@booshamp. Wrong IA.
Wow, I never thought about it like that. I'll never talk to another female again, in fact, I'll completely ignore their existence from now on. Thanks for the heads up!
So you made the wrong hat choice that day. We've all been there.
Fuck all of you guys who are clearly mostly men. You have no fucking clue. So, when a guy pulls up alongside a bus stop, stares intensely at me while he openly masturbates, I should just deal with it? You do realize that besides the way women are socialized, men are stronger than us? Physically stronger, therefore women are careful. Maybe you should look outside of your own male experiences and think for once. I have more minor harrassment happen to me almost everyday. I do say fuck off if I feel safe, but assholes that do this sort of crap like to corner you. So fuck you, this happens. It doesn't matter what any of you entitled pieces of shit say, you don't know. Way to be typical internet assholes. Fuck you.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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