While we have yet to taste the wonderment that is Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Skull Vodka—there's really no excuse, we should be drinking it right now—it looks like some thieves have taken a whole bunch of it off the market. TMZ reports: "Dan Aykroyd is the victim in a MASSIVE vodka heist—we're told over 21,000 bottles of his Crystal Head Vodka were stolen from a California warehouse recently."

21,000 bottles?! Where do you even offload that much hot vodka? Or do you just drink it all yourself? Aykroyd was weirdly okay with being robbed, he told TMZ:

"My partners and I are sorry to lose this much vodka to theft and do not condone criminal activity in any fashion, but we are happy that some consumers will be afforded the opportunity of tasting it at significantly lower than retail price."

Dan adds, "CHV can be purchased legally at bars, restaurants, and retail stores throughout North America."

In related news, Ghostbusters 3 is happening. Or isn't. We just don't know.
