

Jesus, dorks! Or, Jesus dorks. Works both ways.


โ€œDonโ€™t tread on me?โ€ Donโ€™t sleep with me seems more fitting for this crew. #gibsonandco #skimperingaround


Look at Andy Ngo. He's not reporting anything. He's not there as an "unbiased observer". He's not a journalist. He's an alt-right troll who writes for the rich kids version of 8chan and his recent sloppy reporting of the events on 8/17 where he just re-tweeted other right ring propagandist BS(Yeah, the blaze is complete BS) coupled with this video should end his credibility with major media for good.


I do think Gibson is a piece of shit, but I don't see any "evidence" in this article that the title refers to. The author seems to think that seeking an indictment = evidence. Of course, real evidence may show up in the investigation, but the fact that Gibson is in cell phone contact with his followers is not surprising and doesn't reveal anything by itself. We'll have to wait until we know who he talked to and what was said.

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