GOOD MORNING, SUNDAY! It's the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If you despise being "the last to know," then be one of the first to know by signing up for Mercury newsletters! All the latest stories shipped directly to your email's in-box... and then... YOUR HEAD.)

• Portland Has Paid Little For Its Officers’ Treatment of Protesters in 2020 in Comparison to Other Cities. Why Is That?

Portland has paid just a sliver of what other cities have doled out to settle lawsuits filed by people who sued police for abuse in 2020 protests.

Mathieu Lewis-Rolland

• TriMet to Increase Police Presence on Public Transit Amid Fentanyl Surge in Oregon

TriMet is increasing the presence of transit police and security staff on public transit in response to an alleged rise in drug use on and near buses and trains, and to “help put riders at ease.”


• THE TRASH REPORT: Here's That Hot Goss You Ordered

Let's go, trash lovers! It's time for a new edition of THE TRASH REPORT! This week Elinor Jones dumpster dives into garbage man Alex Jones, Jake Gyllenhaal's "Road House," and... zombie pigs? Okay!


• Multnomah County Voters Will Weigh in On Voting Rights, Jail Inspections, and Ranked Choice Voting This November

Multnomah County voters will have an opportunity to expand voting rights, implement ranked choice voting, increase jail inspections, and more this November.


• Our Favorite Moments of Pickathon 2022

It's the Pickathon wrap-up piece! Here are some of the 2022 festival's most charming or defining aspects, as noted by the Mercury's Pickathon-scoping team.

Mathieu Lewis-Rolland

• Q & A: An Expert on Right-Wing Extremism on the Outcome of Patriot Prayer Criminal Cases

An expert on right-wing extremism in the Pacific Northwest on the potential impacts of the recent criminal trial against members of Patriot Prayer in Portland: "When punishment doesn’t happen it sends a green light to these groups that it's permissible."

Doug Brown

• Burger Lovers, Start Your Tummies! The Mercury's BURGER WEEK Returns August 15!

At long last, it’s time for humankind’s greatest accomplishment: Portland Burger Week! Check out the dates, locations, and DESCRIPTIONS of this year's 48 (!!) delectable, original burgers.

New Seasons

• Kevin Sampsell’s Creative Chopping Block

A new book from Kevin Sampsell collects seven years of the Portland author's found media practice. Arts writer Andrew Jankowski calls it "a jubilant celebration of bizarre, jarring, and defiant imagery."


• Health Officials Urge Awareness as Monkeypox Outbreak is Declared in Oregon

While most Monkeypox cases in Oregon are currently amongst gay and bisexual men, “anyone who has skin is susceptible to this virus.”


• SAVAGE LOVE: Choke Hold

We've all heard that choking during sex is dangerous. But... is it REALLY dangerous? Or just regular ol' dangerous? Dan brings in sex researcher Dr. Debby Herbenick to discuss her research into breath and choking play.



WOW, THAT IS A LOT OF GOOD READIN'. I hope you didn't have any other plans this weekend! Dig in, and remember: Producing all this hard work costs moolah—so please consider contributing to the Mercury to keep it all coming! Thanks!